
Well Known Member
In September, '09 I had my -12 inspected by a DAR and he submitted the paperwork to the Lincoln FSDO. I have an AW certificate and have been flying for 4 months. I just got a call from the DAR saying his "advisor" at the Lincoln FSDO will not accept the Weight & Balance sheet provided by Vans. They are not questioning my W&B numbers rather the format it is in, and they want me to redo it.

Mel, Scott, Do I have the authority to submit a different W&B formate for an LSA / consensus built aircraft? Remember, Vans is the MFG, I'm just a licensee / builder.

Has anyone else had this problem?
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Not yet Larry but according to the FAA web site my airworthiness paperwork is still in the system. Obviously though, each FSDO has their own agenda, you saw how much info I had to provide for my Repariman certificate...and Joe Norris response. Good Luck...let us know.
Not yet Larry but according to the FAA web site my airworthiness paperwork is still in the system.


Can other -12 owners look up their N number and see if the FAA has accepted their AW cert? Please report back what you find.


I looked up Marty's, John B's, and Van's personal -12. They all have been accepted and entered into the FAA system. All three used the exact same forms I did, but this FSDO will not accept it. Nice.
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Hi Larry,

Sorry the FAA is giving you issues, if you send me a non-list email I will send you an excel tool that I made from a RV-8 W&B done by someone on the RV-8 portion of this list. It has been accepted by my DAR guess we will have to see if his FSDO complains.

Best regards,

[email protected]

Can other -12 owners look up their N number and see if the FAA has accepted their AW cert? Please report back what you find.


I looked up Marty's, John B's, and Van's personal -12. They all have been accepted and entered into the FAA system. All three used the exact same forms I did, but this FSDO will not accept it. Nice.

sorry Larry, I just looked mine up again and its in there now. wasn't earlier in the week. You might ask Joe Norris his opinion...he had something to say about the repairman cert.
Not yet Larry but according to the FAA web site my airworthiness paperwork is still in the system.

Actually Pete, your certification has "cleared" the system.
I looked back at my file and I don't see any problem with Van's form.
I just checked the FAA website and found 8 RV-12s listed as having a valid airworthiness certificate in the Experimental Light-Sport Kit built category.
I'm sure there are others as it take sometimes weeks for everything to get through Oklahoma City.
The following RV-12 are shown to be complete with A/W:
There are a total of 32 RV-12s registered.
Pretty amazing one FSDO will accept it and another one won't.

Mel, what info are they looking for? I just gave them the 1 page W&B for the -12 Vans supplied. Was I suppose to supply something else?
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Pretty amazing one FSDO will accept it and another one won't.

Mel, what info are they looking for? I just gave them the 1 page W&B for the -12 Vans supplied. Was I suppose to supply something else?
The only thing I can think of is they may want to see loading schedules for gross weight, most forward, and most aft c/g.
Format should be a factor.
You need to talk with whoever is rejecting it and see just what he/she wants.
My DAR requested loading schedules demonstrating most forward and aft CG as well as 'typical' loading. I provided 3 copies of page 4-4 of the POH, completed with #s that showed (1) minimum pilot weight with full fuel and 50lbs baggage, (2) maximum pilot/copilot with no baggage and minimum fuel and (3) typical solo flight with myself, full fuel and 5 lbs baggage. These were in addition to the W&B sheet in the acceptance procedures.

Inspection was about 3 weeks ago - has not shown up on FAA site yet.
Actually Pete, your certification has "cleared" the system.
I looked back at my file and I don't see any problem with Van's form.

Mel...with only eight making it through so far, I have to assume your packet was in good shape...thanks!
My DAR requested loading schedules demonstrating most forward and aft CG as well as 'typical' loading. I provided 3 copies of page 4-4 of the POH, completed with #s that showed (1) minimum pilot weight with full fuel and 50lbs baggage, (2) maximum pilot/copilot with no baggage and minimum fuel and (3) typical solo flight with myself, full fuel and 5 lbs baggage. These were in addition to the W&B sheet in the acceptance procedures.

Inspection was about 3 weeks ago - has not shown up on FAA site yet.

Thanks Marty K.

I talked with the DAR this afternoon and this seems to be the info the FSDO is looking for. After receiving a few spread sheets by e-mail (Thanks guys!) I designed my own and printed out nice neat forms for each of the 3 examples you posted above, plus one calculated at full gross for good measure. Hopefully, this is all they need.

Thanks to all that responded, I greatly appreciate it. Sure is nice to have so many knowledgeable builders around.
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