
I'm New Here
I'm looking at building an RV-12. I'm pretty sure I can build the empennage kit and wing kit but after watching some of the build videos on you tube the fuselage looks very scary. What do builders do if you get stuck. Can you hire an aircraft mechanic for some help.

I'm looking at building an RV-12. I'm pretty sure I can build the empennage kit and wing kit but after watching some of the build videos on you tube the fuselage looks very scary. What do builders do if you get stuck. Can you hire an aircraft mechanic for some help.


Anyone can help you build, paid or not. Trust me. You can build this airplane and you will enjoy it.

It may look complicated but it is just one step after another until there?s no more steps. Trust me, you can do it. If you get stuck there?s plenty of help here or builders near you who would be more than willing to help.
If you haven't already, join your local EAA chapter. You'll get plenty of support locally.
This is my first build.. the fuselage kit was probably the most fun. It is a little more involved than the tail kit.. there are more, smaller parts.. some of which you have no idea what they're for until the end.. but you're mostly using the skills you already learned in the tail kit.

I'm 50% of the way through the Finish kit.. what doesn't look like fun is the canopy fiberglass. I say that now, because I haven't worked with fiberglass yet.. so in a couple months from now, I'll say that something else doesn't look like fun..
My first homebuilt was from plans. Trust me, Vans has made a seemingly insurmountable task easy. I built three other planes before I built my RV-12, and I never would have wasted that time if I had known how good the Vans designs are.
You can get a copy of the plans on a thumb drive from Van's. Ask for p/n FD PLANS RV-12. It costs $10 and has all the steps.

Or, for free, go to the page on Van's site for the revisions: this page and scroll on down to the Revisions and Changes section. Many of the plans sections are available for free there.

You can get a copy of the plans on a thumb drive from Van's. Ask for p/n FD PLANS RV-12. It costs $10 and has all the steps.

One nice thing about having the thumb drive is when there?s a discussion on VAF about a kit you haven?t received yet, if someone references a page or drawing, you can check the page and see what they are referring to. It gives you a heads-up of things to watch out for in the future when you start working on that part of the project.