
Well Known Member
I am coming back from Sebring convinced of the uniqueness of the RV-12. Looking at all other LSAs on display, they all have a long engine cowling compared to the 12. This is because the -12 is the only one where the pilot sits with the wing spar in his back. This provides great visibility down for a low wing A/C. With pilot and passenger in such a forward position you need a light engine hanging from a short motor mount: the 912S fits the bill. This is the RV-12 package! You mess with it at your own risks (same as with Texas). I am not that smart so I am building mine as an E-LSA.
PS: After attending the 912S forum, I still find this engine expensive but now I know why...:D
PPS: Although all other LSAs have long cowlings, they also mostly sport 912S... As Canadians say: eat Caribou, 5,000 wolves cannot be wrong!

Yip, it is unique and its beauty is under the skin. A lot of people think it is not a looker! Once you have looked closely at a couple of LSA's and you have looked closely into their construction and capabilities you'll see why the RV12 stands out in this class.

That said, i take my hat of the to real experimenters, those playing with alternative powerplants etc. We need them too, to push the limits of what is seen as acceptable and challenge the status quo.

Me I want to stay with the safety of the masses, so Rotax it is.
