Engine kit coming shortly; hopefully flying in June! (we started in October)

Looking for suggestions on insurance? Any "best" companies to contact?

All threads we found were not current . . .

Thanks :)

Did you check the EAA web site? I got a good quote in anticipation of receiving one of the assembled SLSA RV12s .....

Tim Lynch
I started with EAA which got me to Falcon. My first year I went with just liability for about $350. The second year I added hull coverage in the amount of the kit purchase which pushed the premium to about $1200.
Remember that all these names are brokers. Their job is to represent you, and give you good advice, while being honest with the actual insurance companies.
Call Avemco, which does not use brokers, and one recommended broker. (Many companies will not quote you to more than one broker.)
Avemco would be my carrier of last resort due to huge premiums and the way they write coverage for passengers.

The deal with quoting only one broker has pretty much gone away.
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There are a couple types of insurance policies you may want to consider. The first is a ground and taxi. The second is a full flight policy.

If you buy a ground and taxi and then cancel it in a few months, you will get a short rate (i.e. not a full pro rata) return of premium.

If you buy a full flight policy, you may be wasting premium dollars while you are completing your build.

Some ground and taxi policies can be converted to a full flight policy in mid-term. When you obtain quotations, get both quotes (ground and taxi, and, full flight) from each carrier. This may impact your decision on which insurance company to select.

I found that NationAir, Jennifer Cummins, was very knowledgeable about Van's aircraft and various insurance companies.
Oh, Avemco was a lot more than $500 more expensive than the other quotes. But you get the hat for just applying, so it cost me 48 cents (postage).
My hangar neighbor calls it my thousand dollar hat!
I had Avemco and was paying $400/yr to cover my $40K worth of parts and pieces while building. Falcon (EAA) quoted me $250 so I am changing.