Paul the Overlord

Well Known Member

Has anybody made any inquiries as to who might be offering insurance and what the cost would be for a 1000 hour pilot, $60,000.00 hull value or thereabouts? Thanks!
RV-12 Insurance

AIG will write them and Global should too through the EAA program. A very rough estimate from AIG for an RV-12 @ $60,000 for full coverage with a 1000 hour pilot is $1,800.00

For a 200 hour pilot its estimated at $2,000. AIG does give a 5% discount to AOPA members.


Jenny Estes
NationAir Aviation Insurance
I insure my RANS S-7S through AIG. My annual premium is about $1600.00. I carry $50,000 hull insurance and the usual 1 million liability. The hull coverage is by far the biggest cost factor. You can lower that by specifying non-moving, i.e. fire or theft or damage while parked. AIG attaches a premium for the airplane being a taildragger (not a problem for the RV-12) and for the fact that the airplane is a homebuilt. As for total pilot time, I'm not sure that after about 300 hours or so, it makes much difference. I've got over 22,000 hours and that didn't seem to impress AIG very much. They were more interested in how much time I had in taildraggers (250 hours). Steve
AIG will write them and Global should too through the EAA program. A very rough estimate from AIG for an RV-12 @ $60,000 for full coverage with a 1000 hour pilot is $1,800.00

For a 200 hour pilot its estimated at $2,000. AIG does give a 5% discount to AOPA members.


Jenny Estes
NationAir Aviation Insurance


Thanks. That's more than I thought. I pay around $650.00 for 55k on a 172. I guess the LSA market is a bit of an unknown.

Thanks. That's more than I thought. I pay around $650.00 for 55k on a 172. I guess the LSA market is a bit of an unknown.

That's pretty consistant with other RV models. Cessna 172's are the easiest (read cheapest)to insure of anything. Expirimentals and LSAs are a good bit more.

Look at Ground - not in motion. Accept the risk when you are flying. Insured when the torando comes. That's what we're doing. Should be about $700 - $800.

CS&A Aviation Insurance
FWIW, S-LSA insurance has been expensive, but losses have been high. Unfortunately, additional total time may not help, since losses have been relatively constant across pilot experience, but seem to go down with time in type.

I would expect your rates to go down once you had time in type, probably 100 hr.