
A problem has developed with the GREEN LED lights, A/P RED disconnect light on the panel. Prior to start, all switch lights and A/P light are on STEADY. However, after engine start all of the lights flicker. Voltage on the D-180 is normal at 12+(before start) and 13+(after start). I checked the ground on the voltage regulator: it's OK. Where could the problem be?
Check power and ground at switches

My suggestion would be to check the power and ground wiring to the switches themselves. The LED?s in each switch get their power from the wire applying power to the switch. If the switches get their power from separate circuits, the ground for the LED?s is the likely culprit. The LED?s need a ground to light ? so it is very likely the grounding for the LED?s are all tied to one common ground wire which could be lose. This could easily cause all the LED?s in the switches to flicker.

I do not have the avionics kit yet but looking at photos, it looks like there is also a small circuit board involved that the switches plug into. If the wires check out to be OK, give the circuit board close scrutiny ? it may have a broken trace or bad solder joint.
On the back of the D-180 is the EMS 37-pin D-Sub connector. Take that connector apart and check the yellow/green wire in location 29. Gently tug on it. Make sure the wire is not broken and that it is well crimped and that the pin or socket is seated properly. Follow that Yellow/Green wire to the control board D-Sub (location 26) and check that end too. Let us know what you find.
Joe Gores