Hi Guys, Best I can work out there are now six underway:-
Jim Tatlock - Geelong
Rod Clark - Byron Bay
Brian Howard - Gold Coast
Alan Saunders - Gisborne
Tony Earle - Port Maquarie
and mine, Marcus Bootle - Riddells Creek. There may be one other somewhere near Perth. Marcus.
Brian - will call

Thanks Brian, my buddy has his plane at Heck Field. Zenith CH200. I will give you a csll when free and see when you are next up at Heck field. regards Paul
Hi Guys, Best I can work out there are now six underway:-
Jim Tatlock - Geelong
Rod Clark - Byron Bay
Brian Howard - Gold Coast
Alan Saunders - Gisborne
Tony Earle - Port Maquarie
and mine, Marcus Bootle - Riddells Creek. There may be one other somewhere near Perth. Marcus.

Isn't Jim Richards doing a 12 in Temora?
Thanks Brian

Thanks Brian, my buddy has his plane at Heck Field. Zenith CH200. I will give you a csll when free and see when you are next up at Heck field. regards Paul

Hi Brian, thanks for showing Dave and I your RV12 project. Man we could not believe the progress you have made in such a short space of time.
Got the kit in March:
Emp & Tail - complete
Wings - complete
Fuse - on the way !!
The kit is really nice and looks like it goes together well. I am sure tempted.
thanks again for your kind hospitality. will catch up soon.

I don't know about Jim Richards, but Sam Richards has the wing kit in Temora, although he's been too busy building a Rocket to work on it.


Thanks DPW, I'll add Sam Richards to the "Australian" list..... Marcus.
RV 12

Hey Guys im a retired guy in Hervey Bay just wondering if I would be able to build an RV 12 Ok as I have no buliding skills here ........I sure love the Aircraft would love to see some of your Aussie Building projects too...!
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rv12 in australia

HI I have purchased the wing kit from temora and have ordered the rest of the kit less engine it is being shipped about 14 sept with another wing and empennage kit for another builder near here i am part way through the wing kit
Hi Ashley, Good to hear you are well under way wiyh the wings. Who is the other person near you with a kit? I will add him to the list.... Marcus.
Hey Guys im a retired guy in Hervey Bay just wondering if I would be able to build an RV 12 Ok as I have no buliding skills here ........I sure love the Aircraft would love to see some of your Aussie Building projects too...!

Hi Splitty, Go for it! Any one can build an airworthy 12. As long as cash, (about $85K Aus), and time are-a-plenty, you shouldn't have a problem. Every hole is pre-punched, (a few have to be openned up), what can go wrong! You may not end up with a concourse winner, but so what!. Just READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, TRIAL ASSEMBLE, AND READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AGAIN! Think twice - cut once mentality and you will be O.K. Hope to see you on the forum as a builder soon. ...Marcus.
RV 12 Building

Hi Marcus thanks for your encoragement there mate have been tossing between the Savage Cub & the RV 12 I think the 12 will win somehow .!! Many Thanks again.......John H.

Splitty, There's a bloke based in HBA who has built a few 6's. Dunno his name, but John from the Bundaberg Soaring Club (who also lives in HBA can put you on to him. If you start to waver from the Vans fold, he can put you straight again...
Down Under Guys

Hey, have any of you down under guys considered using an in country engine, like a Jab 3300? I think that it would make a terrific RV-12. You get 120hp, and with no weight penalty.


I have certainly given it some serious thought. I will most likely go with the rotax because of Vans testing but if I build a second one then I might be more adventerous.


HI I looked at useing a jab 6 but it weighs 10kg more and it centre of gravity is 5 inches further forward, considering the rotax sits fairly close to the firewall I think there would be balance issues with the jab but if anyone has worked out how to do it let us know
Great news for RA-Aus builders

I have arranged for Van's to send RA-Aus all the paper work required for RV-12 registration, it is coming snail mail. One point of intrest is that Vans would not send me the Maintanence Manual and Pilot Operating Handbook as I did not get the engine and avionics from them. I will have to get a copy from RA-Aus. My engine installation kit should arrive in about a week, I cant wait.

Talk to Jabiru - they may be cooking up a solution.

HI I looked at useing a jab 6 but it weighs 10kg more and it centre of gravity is 5 inches further forward, considering the rotax sits fairly close to the firewall I think there would be balance issues with the jab but if anyone has worked out how to do it let us know

I sat next to the daughter of the Jabiru founder on a flight leaving Milwauke after the 'big' event. She was saying they were interested in selling Jab engines into the RV-12 market (surprise surprise) and hinted they had something in mind.

As they usually produce firewall forward solutions I'm interested to see what they do come up with - especially as the pricing issue settles out over the next few months.

Doug Gray
Hi Guys, Best I can work out there are now six underway:-
Jim Tatlock - Geelong
Rod Clark - Byron Bay
Brian Howard - Gold Coast
Alan Saunders - Gisborne
Tony Earle - Port Maquarie
and mine, Marcus Bootle - Riddells Creek. There may be one other somewhere near Perth. Marcus.

Update on "12 builders in Aus.

Jim Tatlock - Geelong
Rod Clark - Byron Bay
Brian Howard - Gold Coast
Alan Saunders - Gisborne
Tony Earle - Port Maquarie (Flying)
Marcus Bootle - Riddells Creek
Ashley Hiscock - Hazlewood North (Flying)
Stephen Vandervelden - Cranborne North
Robert Melis - Perth
Roger Russell - Sydney
Dave Hastwell - Adelaide
"Denmit" - Queanbeyan
and I am not sure if John Harrison - Hervey Bay, started building.

Fell free to add/subtract if you can! ...Cheers, Marcus.
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`Dunx' will be building in Ravensthorpe, WA soon. His empenage kit is on its way.

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RV-12 Builders in Australia

G'day fellow Aussies, I'm the "denmit" in the Australian RV-12 Builders List posted recently in this thread. Details are:

Dennis Mitchell
22 Severne Street
Greenleigh NSW 2620

As the list suggests, Greenleigh is near Queanbeyan, itself near Canberra.

Best 'phone is 0419 624 773. Visitors always welcome.

I've completed the VS, rudder, AST, stab and started on the tailcone yesterday. My wing kit arrived last Saturday.

So far, so good, cheers
Update on "12 builders in Aus.

Jim Tatlock - Geelong
Rod Clark - Byron Bay
Brian Howard - Gold Coast
Alan Saunders - Gisborne
Tony Earle - Port Maquarie (Flying)
Marcus Bootle - Riddells Creek
Ashley Hiscock - Hazlewood North (Flying)
Stephen Vandervelden - Cranborne North
Robert Melis - Perth
Roger Russell - Sydney
Dave Hastwell - Adelaide
"Denmit" - Queanbeyan
and I am not sure if John Harrison - Hervey Bay, started building.

Fell free to add/subtract if you can! ...Cheers, Marcus.

Any update on the Australian builders? Must be more now.
I am building one in Sydney. Tail, Wing and fuselage done. Avionics installed but still a little to tidy up there. About to put the engine in.


We live in an apartment and dont have a garage with power. Using the living room to build was ruled out because even if I could get the kit up 3 levels of stairs I don't think I could get the finished aircraft out. Plus I don't think that my wife would be as supportive of building in the apartment.

So we build in a storage shed....

Everything is on wheels. We have 1 big work bench and one smaller workbench both on wheels. We have a vice, a drill press, a band saw and a bench grinder mounted on each another workbench seen in the background of some of the photos. The wings are on a trolley also on wheels. When we want to work we roll everything out in the common area of the storage areas. When we are done it all packs back into 19m2 (~200 sqft).

If someone else comes we quickly move things so they can get access to their storage area. We have put the wings on a few times:

We live in an apartment and dont have a garage with power. Using the living room to build was ruled out because even if I could get the kit up 3 levels of stairs I don't think I could get the finished aircraft out. Plus I don't think that my wife would be as supportive of building in the apartment.

So we build in a storage shed....

Everything is on wheels. We have 1 big work bench and one smaller workbench both on wheels. We have a vice, a drill press, a band saw and a bench grinder mounted on each another workbench seen in the background of some of the photos. The wings are on a trolley also on wheels. When we want to work we roll everything out in the common area of the storage areas. When we are done it all packs back into 19m2 (~200 sqft).

If someone else comes we quickly move things so they can get access to their storage area. We have put the wings on a few times:


Looks great! Will the standard Rotax setup handle the power requirements? I've been considering doing the same thing with the Skyview setup.



Hi an update of Rv12'S being built and flown in australia would be great
We have just clocked over 440 hours in ours and it is still going great
I have just started to get the parts for the 5 year rubber parts replacement
I am going to change to silicon hoses with stepless hoseclamps
If anyone is interested in coming and having a look at the plane and maybe go for a fly dont hesitate to contact me
ashley 0437091012
PS we are located at YLTV ( traralgon victoria )
I've got a list of about 36 building or flying, but I'd guess there are probably around 50 or more by now.
I've been flying an RV12 out of Bendigo since January. It was built at Mittagong by Karl Ahamer (excellent workmanship). I would be be happy to hook up with other Aussie RV12ers to compare notes and learn more about the machine. I'm having a lot of fun with it - more than I expected - and it's performing a little better than I expected. I wasn't sure how I would adapt to a 12 after nearly 30 years of flying twins but it's a breath of fresh air. Totally different but totally enjoyable. A couple of weeks ago I spent an hour stooging around over the farming district where I grew up - not something I would ever do in the the Twin Comanche. This last weekend I flew to Wagga. Went up at 9500 where the TAS was pretty much equal to what I get at lower levels. Had heard it said the Rotax doesn't do so well up high but that hasn't been my experience.

Jack Moore
I have a flying RV-12 ELSA coming from US to Melbourne.
Likely to be based at Coldstream Airport.
It will take a couple of months to get here but hopefully we will be flying before Christmas.