
Well Known Member
Hello to all my friends here on the RV-12 forum...a few people have asked about it, so thought I would post a quick update. After living in California all our lives, my wife and I bought an airpark home in Eastern Tennessee! It has been a dream of mine since learning to fly over 40 years ago, and we are loving it. If anyone on this forum ever needs a place to land/hangar for a night or two, you are welcome (Hensley Airpark 04TN). We have been in the process for a year now, but officially moved in about 3 months ago. It's a great house on over an acre, but the hangar/runway are what sold me. The hangar has a full bath, radiant heat floor and great lighting (and about 2500 sqft). I can walk out my side door and be in the air in 15-20 min (and as you 912ULS pilots know, 5-10 min of that is just waiting for oil temp to hit 120F).

I flew the plane out in late July, so I could stop at Oshkosh for a few days on the way. A new neighbor was kind enough to let me keep the -12 in his hangar until early Sept when we moved in. Anyway, I can't believe how beautiful the flying is around this region, and what an amazing place to live. Thanks to the few that wondered where I had moved, hope to see you around!! Paul









Very happy for you Paul! Looks like a terrific set-up. But you will miss all of our northern California fires......;<)
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Congratulations, Paul! I really enjoy your RV-12 videos on YouTube - awesome stuff.

I grew up and lived in SoCal for most my life before making the move to Charlotte, NC a few years back. My only regret is that I didn?t make the move sooner.

Yes, this whole region - TN, Carolinas and the surrounding areas - are really beautiful places to fly. Enjoy 😄👍
Thanks for the comments, definitely feels like living the dream. Hardest part is most of the guys here are retired and going flying all the time. I'm jealous, have a couple more years to go. At least my new home office is a nice hangar!

Very happy for you Paul! Looks like a terrific set-up. But you will miss all of our northern California fires......;<)

Glad to hear from you David, was saying some prayers when I heard Windsor was being evacuated!! Hope all is OK with you.

How is the heat and humidty in the summer time, there, vs CA ? Beautiful arrangement there.

We were here for awhile in July and August and we thought it was fine. Not as hot as CA central valley, but obviously more humid. From what we know so far, it's not bad at all. The cost of living is amazing here compared to CA, and I buy ethanol-free 93UL for $2.80/gal. I would never go back!!
We were here for awhile in July and August and we thought it was fine. Not as hot as CA central valley, but obviously more humid. From what we know so far, it's not bad at all. The cost of living is amazing here compared to CA, and I buy ethanol-free 93UL for $2.80/gal. I would never go back!!

Best price I could get this week for 91 E10 from Conoco Phillips /76 was $3.99 here. So much road tax per gallon is the difference in price. Not driving roads burning gas flying, either. A good move, reminds me I want out of here, have a dad to take care of, still, though, keeping me here.

Paul, congrats on escaping Calif.

We may have to take you up on the offer for a visit after we get the new plane going.

Very Nice

That is impressive! Looks like a good move, I'm happy for you. Love the hangar and proximity to a nice runway. Be sure and give us a photo of the sights around there from time to time.
Paul, congrats on escaping Calif.

We may have to take you up on the offer for a visit after we get the new plane going.


Hey Mike, I was sad I didn't get a chance to stop in Dayton and see your new place. I did fly directly over your house on the way OSH in July, I was short on time and it takes me awhile to climb up to 12,500 and it was getting hot. Would love to have you come by when you have wings again!

That is impressive! Looks like a good move, I'm happy for you. Love the hangar and proximity to a nice runway. Be sure and give us a photo of the sights around there from time to time.

Thanks Tony, I will miss all the West Coast RV people, hope to catch up with you one of these days.

We miss you guys.

Miss you guys too Bud, glad to know you check out the RV-12 forum now and then. I know you will come to Hensley one day!
So glad to see you got moved and settled in Paul. It'll be a lot longer flight to meet you for breakfast now...
Hensley is a great place with s lot of great aviation guys. Your neighbor, William Morgan owns my F1 Rocket.
Beautiful setup you have there and nice Tundra as well!
Thanks Paddy!

Hensley is a great place with s lot of great aviation guys. Your neighbor, William Morgan owns my F1 Rocket.

Wow, small world Randy. I knew Bill Morgan owned an F1 Rocket, but didn't realize it was the one you sold!

Welcome to the area! Hope to see you around KMOR sometime!

Hensley's is a gem!

Thanks, looking forward to it!
Maybe moderators could move this thread - really has nothing to do with RV-12...
Good point Jim, just wanted the RV-12 folks to know I relocated (along with the plane, so it has a little to do with an RV-12) and I didn't know if the mainstream RV-12 forum users ever look at the more off-topic threads. Happy for it to move elsewhere now :)
I'd keep it here, Paul. The photos you posted of your beautiful RV-12 are an inspiration to all of us who are still pulling rivets!
No harm done

Maybe moderators could move this thread - really has nothing to do with RV-12...

Maybe so, but I for one am glad the thread started here. I probably wouldn?t have see it otherwise. Now I know there is another 12 owner to visit within easy reach!