
Well Known Member
I recently spoke with a gent who is well respected in the RV community. I won't bring his name into this thread. My question to him had to do with how well the -12 performed on grass strips. He convinced me that it will perform better than the other nose wheel RVs because it has a larger nose wheel (same size as mains) and lighter load above it. But then he went on to imply that the -12 may also be better suited to grass strips than the taildragger models. The reason is that hitting a large hole or bump with the small tailwheel would have a bigger impact on a landing than hitting the same hole or bump with the nose wheel on a -12. I understand the argument, but can't say I'm totally convinced of this. So I put it before the experts here on VAF to make comment on the issue. Thanks
My experience - -

I have landed on a grass strip a few times. No problem. I even took a guy back to his home grass strip very late last fall. The grass was not overly short, and it still did well. ( I have wheel pants also ). Keep the nose up long as you can. I was very concerned about the nose wheel issues, but decided the lesser weight on the nose with a -12 is a serious factor. Also the larger nose wheel is another good point. Respect the nose wheel, and you should be fine. I will not hesitate to land on a 'decent' grass strip at any time. Saves on tires and brakes also.

John Bender
Checkout on grass

My first takeoff in the RV-12 was from Mike Seager's grass strip. After airwork and several touch & goes on pavement we landed back on the grass with Mike coaching. Same thing next day. As with any of the Grummans or nosewheel RVs, keep the nosewheel off as lonng as possible and lift it as soon as possible on takeoff. I'm planning a lot of grass strip fun next summer on strips I wouldn't even consider with the AA-1.

Wayne 120241/143WM
I have my plane based here on the farm and operate off a grass strip. I have 195 hours on it and most of those hours are on grass.

You will have no problem flying off of grass. As others have said keep the nose wheel up or at least light as long as you can.

Brad Stiefvater