
Well Known Member
GW about 1200 pounds
Engine at Idle power
Density Altitude 3500 MSL
Two pilots, each flew one set
Pretty bumpy so a fair amount of scatter in the data
Eyeball "best fit" curve through data points.
Flaperons UP

KIAS Rate of Descent, ft/min

85 980
80 945
75 855
70 760
65 670
60 575

One notch flaps (results as expected!)

80 1080
75 1015
70 910
65 750

Will do best range (feet lost in one mile) soon.

Current thoughts if fan quits

Push Over NOW
Establish 60-65 knots while using 45 deg banked turn to desired heading
Probably establish 80-85 KIAS to extnd glide distance if necessary (TBD)

DISCLAIMER: Neither pilot has any pretensions of flight test training and there was a fair amount of data scatter. Draw your own conclusions or conduct your own tests.

Wayne 120241/143 WM
Originally revision 0 of the POH gave the Maximum gliding distance airspeed as 85 kts. Now it is 63 kts.
Quote below from
Revision:2 Date:08/12/13 Page 6-10
FORCED LANDING (Complete Power Failure)
Maximum gliding distance airspeed ? 63 kts
Minimum rate of descent airspeed- 55 kts
Joe Gores
Changed again in the 04/03/2014 POH: Page 6-12, max distance 63 kts, min sink 59 kts. Puts the two speeds real close together ...
Will do best range (feet lost in one mile) soon.

Wayne 120241/143 WM

You already have that data (at least for one weight), but you will want to re-do it on a smooth day, with more data at the low airspeed end.

Procedure: plot VS (vertically) vs airspeed (horizontally). Draw a smooth curve thru the data points. Lay a straight edge on the horizontal axis; pivot around the origin, rotate the straight edge up counterclockwise until it just touches the curve. That point is best glide, no wind, at the weight the data was taken.
Changed again in the 04/03/2014 POH: Page 6-12, max distance 63 kts, min sink 59 kts. Puts the two speeds real close together ...

Hey Tom! Where did you get the April 2014 POH update?? All I can find is the 12/11/2013 update.

Another Tom
POH RV-1207/02/14

RV-12 revision page

POH RV-12 07/02/14

"Curve" is a bit different than expected. I will also make a log on my next flight.

Last edited:
POH Update

Thanks for the wake-up call. I figured out that I was not seeing the current info on Van's site. Chalk it up to old cookies!! Once I did a "refresh on the page, I could see all of the changes. I am posting this, just in case someone else goes down this road.

Thanks for pointing out the update

Looks like my limited flight test data and conclusions weren't too far off what the pros got.



I forgot, at these relatively low indicated airspeeds you probably need to make the correction to calibrated airspeed (this will most likely move the low speed points to the left).