
Well Known Member
Just finished inventorying the fuselage kit along with reviewing the plans to get acquainted with the assembly procedure and would like to get the full picture of the landing gear SB in my mind?s eye.

Question for those of you who have finished your landing gear SB. When the wings are in place after the SB has been installed, do any of the rivets going into the F-1270A & D doublers show above or bellow the wing? If so, can you tell me which ones or provide a link to a photo showing the area in which the rivets are visible?

Thanks in advance.

RV-12 empennage & wings completed
beginning the fuselage
Dues paid until late summer

Only rivets for the doubler show below the wing. Maybe 10-12 of them along with the forward section of the lower part of the doubler. Someone else may have a photo.
Found it!

Prior to posting the request, I had looked at the SB thread and did find a great photo of the completed SB, but it was without the wings attached.

Thanks Kyle ? nice to know the added hardware is below the wing and out of view from the top.

Thanks Wayne ? After seeing your reply, I went back and revisited the SB thread for another look and did find links to what I needed.

Tony T posted a link leading to John Bender?s photos of the SB ? there I found a photo John took from below the wing showing what I was looking for.

Thanks for the replies guys and pointing me in the right direction.


A few pics of the modification. I ended up spraying it with White Rattle can. But a small amount will show under the wing. My fairings cover most of it, but you can still get the idea.

gearleg photo install.jpg

gearleg photo.jpg

Hope this helps.
a picture is worth a 1000 words

David - thanks for taking the time to mark the areas of interest in the photos for me.