Installing the Texas Aero RV-12 upper and lower gear leg fairings.
The wheel pants cuffs seem to fit nicely.
The upper cuffs seem to have a bow in them that makes
them not fit flush with the fuselage.
Does anyone have any experinance with this installation?

I have noticed the same. I have been waiting on some 6-32 rivnuts to arrive, so have not taken the time to fit them yet.

I do not think it is so much a bow, but, the fairing does not perfectly fit the shape of the fuselage (it sort of rocks back and forth). As such some trimming to get it to fit is most likely in order.

Maybe someone who has installed the upper leg fairings will comment.
For the upper I used three platenuts. I didn't notice any bow. I didn't trim the pieces. Some pictures during the installation;Fairing installation

I purchased a set from the black market (VAF Classified) a few weeks ago. I used 3-#6 Rivnuts on the upper and 3 more #6 nut plates on the lower. I was able to use 2 of the existing screws that hold the pants together. By doing that, I have only 1 more screw to remove the front half of the pants than I had before the installation. They do dress up the gear, but I think the lower fairings have too large an opening for the gear leg.