Well Known Member
Mississippi River shots

Enjoyed the shots of the river in flood stage. I am fasinated by the power of the mighty Mississippi. I am down here in Louisiana and every time I fly to New Orleans, I go along the river west of Lake Pontchatrain. One of my first
flights with my wife to New Orleans, she commented on how big the river was and all the barge traffic. I love going along the river and seeing the boats.

RV's and any small plane for that matter, are great platforms for sightseeing. In my former life, I was a geology major and enjoyed studying the processes of erosion, deposition and sediment transport. Ahhh to be a freshman in college again.

Steve Anderson
RV-7A 210 hours
Lafayette, La.
That's a great picture of GAA private airstrip on Abel island, I flew my plane off of it yesterday and took it to Monticello to stay untill the water goes back down. It is the furture home of 757DK [reserved] rv-7 that is ready for a engine.
abel island

The flying eye doctor has the best fly-in I have ever been to. Great food. Ron
RV-12 flights 12/12/12??

Here's a thought-- how many RV-12's could we get to fly on 12/12/12? EAA had a pretty good turnout for flights on Dec 17, 2003, though lousy weather (as usual in Ohio) limited me to one quick trip around the pattern between snow squalls.

Wayne 120241 N143WM