
Well Known Member
I've put my RV-12 up for sale. It seems 62 years of age is too old to learn how to fly, as far as my insurance company is concerned. My renewal bill, with just liability, went up 73%. No incidents, no accidents, go figure. Maybe if you already have 1000 + hours, you get a better rate, but not with only 70.

It's a really loaded 2012, with almost all the options and a few other goodies thrown in.
Sorry to hear the sad news. Have you completed your training for your license? Maybe ask your insurance company if your rate will drop after you complete your training and log a certain amount of hours. Perhaps you should talk to a different insurance company.
62 years old is not too old to learn to fly. Lots of folks get their license after they retire. Someone with technical background, like yourself, has advantage.

Consider shopping for insurance with a brokerage. Call EAA and tell them about your specific situation and see if they have recommendation…
Sorry to hear the sad news. Have you completed your training for your license? Maybe ask your insurance company if your rate will drop after you complete your training and log a certain amount of hours. Perhaps you should talk to a different insurance company.

I am very close to my check ride.

However $1320 to $2180 for $1M liability only, no hull coverage, in a year is a pill too big to swallow. Too much $$$$ for the number of hours I fly annually. Starr Company, broker is Falcon insurance.
Spitballing here, but does it make any sense to just finish up your training/checkride in a rented C152/172 and come back to the insurance agent with a PPL license instead of a student license?

I also assume you've shopped around for insurance. Gallagher seems to be popular these days for RVs.

Also.. knock on wood, but if you're not going to have hull coverage anyway.. maybe just fly without insurance. Based on the photos in your ad, it seems like you have _plenty_ of places to set down the airplane with $0 of damage to other people or property.. and I have trouble seeing a reasonable situation where you'd cause $1M worth of damage with a RV-12.
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Niner, I would not give up yet. If you are flying 70 hours per year this additional cost will only add about $10 per hour to your cost. Finish your PPL in your plane and see what happens to your insurance next year before making an irreversible decision.

From your posts, it is apparent you are really enjoying your progress toward the PPL rating. Enjoy another year then decide.
Wow, that is crazy high for insurance. Do some shopping. Mine is less than $400/year and has been since I started flying my RV-12 four years ago. I only carry Liability.
If you haven't already done so, definitely call Gallagher. We're paying under $1500 per year WITH hull coverage, and none of us has over 300 hours I don't think, and up until last year we usually had a student pilot on the policy. That sounds awfully high.
That's ridiculous!

I have had a great interaction with Tracey Martin at Aviation Insurance Resources (

Maybe give her a shout and explain your situation before you give up. If at all possible definitely try to finish up your PPL.
Another option

I wouldn’t follow the advice to go uninsured unless you have no house, no savings, no pension/retirement, no nothing!

However, if you find a partner who you can get along with plane insurance doesn’t go up just because there are two owners. Split all your costs such as insurance,maintenance, hangar, parts etc
Umbrella Policy

If he decides to go without insurance, would a generic umbrella policy protect assets if he were sued?

I wouldn't give up. Deliver pizzas Friday and Saturday nights to cover the costs until your rate improves. It's worth it right?
I agree with Dabney. It’s not just about your financial burden. God forbid if an incident injured another party and you have no coverage - not just for your financial liability but for the injured party who might then have to shoulder the financial impact on them. We have an amazing amount of freedom flying in this country, and we need to be responsible aviators not impacting the average citizen.
Many airports require a certain minimum level of liability coverage if you base your aircraft at the airport.
We've got options, folks... the wings are easily removable on a RV-12. If need be, it can be trailered off the airport.
I couldn't have said this better myself:

I agree with Dabney. It’s not just about your financial burden. God forbid if an incident injured another party and you have no coverage - not just for your financial liability but for the injured party who might then have to shoulder the financial impact on them. We have an amazing amount of freedom flying in this country, and we need to be responsible aviators not impacting the average citizen.
Let's not worry about insurance, I still have it, and will continue to have it until plane is sold.

To go without would be incredibly financially stupid and risky, and I'm a pretty financially risk averse individual. I'm not the gambling type, I want a sure thing. I had insurance the day I bought the plane and I'll continue to have it, until it's sold. Then it will be the new owners responsibility.

I've been on the receiving end of enough car accidents from drivers here illegally, driving around with no license or insurance, heck they didn't even speak or read English, that I'm not even going to think about exposing myself to such lack of responsibility or subject myself to such risk or loss.
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Don’t sell it, you will regret it.


As I said in the text I sent you the other day, don’t sell it, you will regret it. Either suck it up for the first year, or get your private in a certified plane, then get a new quote. Park the RV in the hanger, get a hanger liability policy to please the airport, which BTW are cheap, get you private done, then get a new quote as a private pilot. It will be cheaper to finish it up, than throw away all the money you have spent and have nothing to show for what you have done to date.

I have known you for over three years now, I know how much you want to do this, so bite the bullet, and get her done, and enjoy your new freedom.

As for what you said, those two things will do nothing but improve in time and you will get better. Practice does make perfect.

You are so close, please don’t join the “I gave up club”. “YOU CAN DO THIS!”

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