Bob Kibby

Well Known Member
Van's has posted Flight Test Data Templates in the downloads section of their web site. The PAP on F0-2 says that the templates can be used to make entering and archiving flight test data easier. I cannot find a user manual or any type of instructions. Does anyone have any idea on how to use the Templates?

And neither can I make much sense out of the data downloaded from the Dynon. I've been doing the flight tests by having a ground helper read out the test, I fly it and radio results, and he writes them down. Trying to read, watch flickering numbers on the electronic display and write them down while trying to do full-throttle stalls out of a 20-deg nose-high 30-deg bank is beyond my capabilities, even with a kneeboard and pencil held betwen mmy teeth.

Wayne 120241/143WM (one more test card to go)