
I'm New Here
Last week (16-18 June) I had the privilege to ferry a new RV owners RV-12 from South Carolina to California.
This beautifully built RV-12 performed great throughout the long journey. This trip came up at a great time for me and I jumped at the opportunity. The day started with a quick flight to familiarize myself with the aircraft as all my previous RV time was in -4s, -6s and -8s. After a great quick flight I went up with the new owner and we did a quick lesson in his new airplane.

After that it was on Westward. It took 20.1 hrs to get from Ridgeland Airport (3J1) to Whiteman Airport (KWHP) in Southern California. The weather was great throughout. The worst of it was some moderate turbulence at the end of day two that wore me out which had me stop, unplanned at Cavern City Airport (KCNM) New Mexico. All in all this trip was a great experience and the new owner is thrilled, as he should be with his great new aircraft! See pictures below!

Blue skies!
Glad it worked out for both of you. That?s a big trip, even without the logistics of a new relationship of people in a small cockpit.

Thanks for sharing
I?ve flown East to west through New Mexico 3 times and it has kicked my butt every time. I know the air there must be smooth sometime, I?ve just NEVER experienced it.