
Well Known Member
Looking at the other RV-12 threads & builder's logs it seems the wing kit shipped first, then the fuselage, then the empannage due to availability. Now it looks like the empannge kit is shipping 1st. I just ordered all three kits and the 1st one to ship will be the empennage & fastener kits with only a 2 weeks lead time. :eek: Then the fusalage and wing kit in 6-7 weeks, this is according to Ann.

I got 2 more weeks to get the shop ready and stock the frig with beverages!
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I got my empennage kit.

I took delivery of my empennage kit on Monday. I did the inventory today and started on the kit. I will post pictures as soon as I have someting to show.
I took delivery of my empennage kit on Monday. I did the inventory today and started on the kit. I will post pictures as soon as I have someting to show.

Sweet! I've been watching your other posts and pics and I have to tell you it inspired me to move forward. Thanks!
Is there any problem doing the empenage kit first? Can it be built independently from the fuselage kit, and then added to the fuselage later? I had assumed the fuselage had to be built first, then the empenage added on. Empenage first might be a better way to go for a first time buillder like me - smaller parts, etc. Thoughts?
Is there any problem doing the empenage kit first? Can it be built independently from the fuselage kit, and then added to the fuselage later? I had assumed the fuselage had to be built first, then the empenage added on. Empenage first might be a better way to go for a first time buillder like me - smaller parts, etc. Thoughts?

That's how the construction sequence was originally designed to go. Because the spin testing wasn't yet completed at the time that kits first went on sale, the empenage kits were held back. From now on, any new builder will start with the kit for the empenage and aft tailcone
follow-up question for Scott


Based on some prior posts, it seems as though there may be problems completing the fuselage without having the tailcone. I have seen reference to a "workaround" but not having received my fuselage yet, I don't understand the details nor the pros and cons. With limited space, I don't really want to order the tail now but I have seen some others opt to do this. Can you clarify how much of the fuselage can be completed without the tailcone and the cons of moving forward on the fuselage without having the tail kit?


Based on some prior posts, it seems as though there may be problems completing the fuselage without having the tailcone.

I guess you could say that because it is not a complete fuselage unless it has the back half (tail cone).:)
It is not what should be called a problem.
If a builder is working on the main fuselage with out having a tail cone, there is approx two three pages that you are told to skip. They involve fitting the tail cone to the aft portion of the fuselage and riveting the baggage bulkhead (F-1207?). These few pages get skipped but the remaining work of teh fuselage kit can be completed (assembling seat backs, etc). After you have a completed tail cone you go back and complete these pages.
I guess I'm building thr empennage first

I just got a surprise today. I was out at my Hangar and one of the airport workers brought by the first parts for the empennange. This was totally unexpected.. I ordered the wing 2 months ago and it was due to ship this week. I ordered the fuselage a couple of weeks later. For both of these I received an invoice from Van's, an agreement that I signed, and a shipping date. I ordered the empennage on Novemember 12th, and have not even received a confirmation. The first that I knew about the empennage was when the cardboard box arrived. I guess I need to call Van's Monday to find out when the rest of the parts will be arriving. I was all ready to build the wing and had been studying the plans for weeks. If I had known they were switching the order I would have asked for the plans when I ordered the tail.
empennage almost here ...

I'm still on section 21 of the fuselage and my tailcone/empannage willbe arriving on 12/01/2008. My gagage will be quite packed when I open the tailcone kit for invevtory. Since I'll have the empannage, I guess I can follow the directions without referring to the addendum about skipping certain sections. With my wife out of town for the month of December, I should make significant progress. I hope! :):)
oops ...

My tailcone/empennage kit arrived today, as expected. Unfortunately the side of the crate was smashed in with a large portion of the wood side missing exposing many bent skins and damaged parts. I immediately called Van's Aircraft and reported my problem. They said it would be taken care of ... I knew it would be ... that's why I bought an RV in the first place ... :)
My tailcone/empennage kit arrived today, as expected. Unfortunately the side of the crate was smashed in with a large portion of the wood side missing exposing many bent skins and damaged parts. I immediately called Van's Aircraft and reported my problem. They said it would be taken care of ... I knew it would be ... that's why I bought an RV in the first place ... :)

Ouch! You must have had the same gorilla that shipped my drill press. It started out life in one piece and ended up in 3. I can see bending thin aluminum, but this guy dropped a padded shipping box high enough to break 3/4" cast 2 places! :eek: He must have not been happy about working Thanksgiving weekend. :cool:

I feel your pain. :mad:
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My tailcone/empennage kit arrived today, as expected. Unfortunately the side of the crate was smashed in with a large portion of the wood side missing exposing many bent skins and damaged parts. I immediately called Van's Aircraft and reported my problem. They said it would be taken care of ... I knew it would be ... that's why I bought an RV in the first place ... :)

My tail should be here soon. I hope it is a different delivery guy here in Lakeland.

My tail feathers arrived intact in Scotland last week. Lots of bent aluminium in the box, but the bends all look to be in the right places ;-)

Inventory 100% correct. So after 3 kits and hundreds of components I was shipped one incorrect nut and one incorrect nutplate. Replacements were included in my tail kit. I also got the corrected fueselage parts shipped really quickly, so I'm well impressed.

It was tough going dismantling the tail crate, so someone must have been trying pretty hard to smash your one, Jerry.

I got a sick feeling when I went to the freight terminal here in Denver, to pick up my empannage kit. Some chucklehead had bashed in one end of the crate with his forklift tongs. The aviation gods were smiling on me today though, when I got it home and unpacked it , there was no damage to any of the parts. "Some days you get to eat the bear- some days the bear eats you!" I can sympathize with how you must have felt Jerry. Steve
I received my tail kit yesterday. I took inventory and with the exception of a couple of back ordered parts, everything was there. The packing was exceptional. Any damages resulting from this shipment certainly would not have been Van's fault. When I first opened the crate, I thought that I was building a paper airplane. There must have been a mile of paper in there.

With all the parts neatly in my staging area and the hardware all in bins and labeled, I am ready to get started. It looks like this build is going to be lots of fun.