Can someone please email me an unzipped file of the RV 12 schematic so I can get a hardcopy printed from it. My older computer doesn't seem to want to unzip Van's downloaded file and I can't get a good download of a zip opening piece of software to work on this Vista platform. Thanks for your help. Doug Robison

[email protected]
Can someone please email me an unzipped file of the RV 12 schematic so I can get a hardcopy printed from it. My older computer doesn't seem to want to unzip Van's downloaded file and I can't get a good download of a zip opening piece of software to work on this Vista platform. Thanks for your help. Doug Robison

[email protected]

email sent
Hey Rv 12 guys, you are GREAT and Thanks for the schematic copies. It sure would have been nice if Van included them in section 5 of their building manual for the 12 so we could see the logic and troubleshoot as we went along and save a few grey hairs til later. Again, thanks to all. Our RV 12, N 68 DM is a great flying machine in the testing phase and still more work to be done before completion. For those yet to follow, keep up the work. It flys like a fighter but yet is very stable and comfortable. I can't possible think of a better ELSA out there!!!!!!!

Doug "Captain Cowboy" Robison