
Well Known Member
Guys.. I haven't seen much discussion of folks who have actually had a DAR inspection for a -12 as EAB. I am a first time builder. I have been comparing the E-LSA and EAB. My main reason now is really cost. I am looking towards the Jabiru 2200 option. I know many will say the 15 HP is a lot to give up. I recently bought a Gobosh 700 so I have a day to day 100 HP Rotax 912 aircraft. I am looking at the -12 as a second plane mostly because I really want to fly in a plane I built. That said, the price of the Jabiru makes a very attractive option as it could basically put together the FW forward of the Jab plus the avionics for just the price of the Vans FWF with Rotax kit.

I am mostly curious about anyone who has actually done a EAB of the -12 and what the experience was like with the DAR. I know it is nearly impossible to compare to the E-LSA unless someone has done both and I doubt anyone has yet. I know Van's own -12 is a EAB so at least he has done it.

Any thoughts are welcome.

Thanks Carl
John Nys

I would guess that John Nys would be a good person to speak with about both. I know he has done both with no problems...we bought our 12 from him and it was built EAB.

I'll PM you his cell phone number, as I don't want to post it for the entire world to see :)
Ron Russ had his Viking powered 12 done by a DAR recently, took a matter of an hour or so as I recall. No hassles or problems.
Great thanks.. I have found a bunch of topics talking about what people were going to change and I know of a couple -12's certified EAB, but I couldn't find anyone who had posted about any issues with the actual certification.
I've signed off several RV-12s both E-LSA and E-AB.
I can assure you there is no problem either way.
To me, as DAR, the E-AB is a little simpler. Difference being, on the E-AB I must determine only that you comply with the "major portion" rule, and on the E-LSA, I must determine that you did not deviate from the plans.
E-LSA=5 hr. phase I, E-AB=40 hr. phase I.
RV-12 E-AB

I now have 54 hours on my RV-12 build as a E-AB. As stated before the DAR spent a lot of time with paper work, and you need the 40 hours in phase one. My inspection went very smooth and there was also a FAA rep. there watching the DAR. I went the E-AB route to save some money. I did a lot of changes to the panel, purchased a used Rotax with 20 hrs, and installed a WARP three bladed prop. Another nice feature I like is installing by trim controls on the control stick. Take a lot of pictures and have a detailed build log and you'll have no problems.
I would guess that John Nys would be a good person to speak with about both. I know he has done both with no problems...we bought our 12 from him and it was built EAB.

I'll PM you his cell phone number, as I don't want to post it for the entire world to see :)

I doubt John would care if you posted his number. He's an extremely nice guy.:) Matter fof fact, I think his phone number is on his business card. Also, this is his business. He builds RV12s for people.

Marshall Alexander
Three blade prop

Johns - please give us some details on type and performance of the three bladed prop - very interesting. Also, how much $$$ did you spend to get a flying RV-12 eab? If the $$$ request is sensitive then please disregard the question - I'm just very interested. Thanks, Ed.
Be careful how this is stated.

I doubt John would care if you posted his number. He's an extremely nice guy.:) Matter fof fact, I think his phone number is on his business card. Also, this is his business. He builds RV12s for people.
Marshall Alexander

This thread is about E-AB RV-12s. If he is building E-LSA RV-12s for people, that's fine. If he's building E-AB RV-12s for people, that's NOT!
This thread is about E-AB RV-12s. If he is building E-LSA RV-12s for people, that's fine. If he's building E-AB RV-12s for people, that's NOT!

It's certainly fine for hiim to answer ANY questions about anything he wants.

Marshall Alexander