Ted Farmin

Well Known Member
Has anyone thought about or planning to use a different engine on the 12?
The only thing holding me back from building one is the price of the Rotax.
Modifying isn't a problem as I put a 0-290GPU in a Sonerai and flew in 1976.
The Greatplanes VW engines could be an option with a little less performance
with less power. My son and I finished N518TF RV-4 2years ago, 400 Hobbs now and I am getting anxious to build again.

Ted and Tim Farmin RV-4 0-320 E2D one lightspeed
Sandpoint Idaho next door to the Boeing 40

I have wanted to build a 12 but also holding back because would like to install a Jabiru 3300 and build it AB-LSA. Jabiru has a 3300 engine kit for Ran?s 19 and 7 so maybe they will come up one for the 12. I believe the Rotax is a good engine just like choices. Would really like to build the 9 if it could still make AB-LSA with a Jabiru 3300 or Lycoming 0235. I know it?s been done in Florida with a 0-235 and plan on visiting my next trip.
Built/Flying RV7A

Of course you can. You just have plan on certifying it as an amateur built instead of an ELSA. For it to be ELSA you have to built it exactly as Van's requires and sign as such. Of course his name goes on the Data Plate which is a nice thing. A local DAR here thinks it would be about a 57% owner built if you did your own. The only thing to keep in mind is the weight of the engine...anything heavier than a Rotax will make it nose heavy.
...snip... The only thing to keep in mind is the weight of the engine...anything heavier than a Rotax will make it nose heavy.
PeterK is right on. Although I am not building yet - I followed the development closely and have flown the RV-12. With the seating forward of the spar... it is really designed around the Rotax. Any alternate to that would really have to be as light as the Rotax. I don't think there would be much room to shorten up the engine mount to bring the weight rearward. I think you'd have insurmountable problems if you went with anything heavier. :eek: BUT... this is experimental aviation. My hat's off to those experimenters braver than I! Whoever ventures from Van's plans will certainly be blazing their own trail. I like the simplicity of the Jabiru... and would like to see it gain more acceptance. Unfortunately... I don't think they aggressively market and price it like they could as this would also feed other aircraft manufacturers which would then compete with their own Jabiru aircraft. IMHO anyway...;)

My 2 Cents... and worth every penny!

" A local DAR here thinks it would be about a 57% owner built if you did your own. "

Noooooo....that means I can't build it in Canada...! We don't have SLA classification here and my only option is AB.

How can I confirm that it will pass the 51% rule for a Canadian Build...?
" A local DAR here thinks it would be about a 57% owner built if you did your own. "

Noooooo....that means I can't build it in Canada...! We don't have SLA classification here and my only option is AB.

How can I confirm that it will pass the 51% rule for a Canadian Build...?

Change the 7 to a 1. ;)

How could they possible estimate it that close? :confused:
" A local DAR here thinks it would be about a 57% owner built if you did your own. "

Noooooo....that means I can't build it in Canada...! We don't have SLA classification here and my only option is AB.

How can I confirm that it will pass the 51% rule for a Canadian Build...?

If it's 57% OWNER built, you should be good to go as an E-AB.;)