
Well Known Member
I have the Dynon set up so main page has the engine instruments including tach.
I started to the plane as usual and looked immediately at oil pressure, and tach to set the RPM for warm up. Mysteriously, all the yellow, green and red tach range limits had changed. For example, the green range had shrunk to about from 2200-2300, yellow from 2300-3000, and red above that.

I reviewed the Dynon manual and went into the menu to setup sensors. The first sensor on list is Tachometer (RPM).

Surprisingly unlike the other sensors that have a list like "yellow to lower green" etc the menu under tachometer merely states: "using custom engine display settings".

So I called Dynon tech support for advice. The tech man was baffled how they could spontaneously change and why there was no menu to set the limits for yellow, green and so forth. He suggested I check "Global" setup page to make sure under "install setup" the engine type was Rotax which it was.

Beyond that suggestion, he had no other ideas.

Is there such a thing as "rebooting" the D180 in the hopes it will go back to where it was?

Very odd situation that I haven't been able to correct.
This thread would be more appropriate in the RV-12 section because it is RV-12 specific.

The Rotax 912 engine has very specific RPM limitations that are dependant on oil temp.
When the oil temp is below 122 F, the allowed (green) range is 1800 to 2500 RPM.

The RV-12 specific settings file for the D-180 automatically changes the color range markings for the tach to match this requirement. Once the oil temp reaches 122 F, the markings revert back to the normal depiction.

There are people at Dynon that know all about this (they wrote the programming for it) but I guess the person you talked to doesn't.