Jamie Aust

Well Known Member
Just seen on the local news ( Brisbane ) an rv12 is down. Rego on the side of the plane is 19-7449 , This is an RA-Aus rego. Looks like a forced landing / prop strike. I think all got out ok, as it doesnt look to bad. That all I know just now.
Only info I can find is on another well known pilot/aviation UK/international forum.

"Yip, RV-12, newly completed aircraft, all went quiet at about 800' agl. Visible damage is undercarriage a bit rearranged, one scraped wing tip and a good size dent in the opposite leading edge. I very much doubt that it will be a write off."
Only info I can find is on another well known pilot/aviation UK/international forum.

"Yip, RV-12, newly completed aircraft, all went quiet at about 800' agl. Visible damage is undercarriage a bit rearranged, one scraped wing tip and a good size dent in the opposite leading edge. I very much doubt that it will be a write off."

Ha ha, my words coming back to haunt me. Yes, RA Aus registered RV-12, only been flying for a few weeks. Incident happened near Jacobs Well, just south of Brisbane. Pilot called engine failure not long after take off and put it down on or next to a rural road in between fairly tall sugar cane. Lots of overhead lines in the area too so a good result in the circumstances. I haven't had the chance to speak to the pilot yet, but he got out fine apparently, was visible in the background on the newscast. According to a bystander he clipped a pole of some description whilst landing, which may explain the leading edge damage. Nose gear collapsed and prop broken.

I suspect the owner is a member here too, so may well pop in sometime and give us the full story.
AirCentre Aviation News Digest

AirCentre Aviation News Digest


RV-12 Down

I sent a PM to "Spin" who posted above, and suggested the pilot of the Aust. RV-12 contact me...I have repaired the somewhat similar damage to my RV-12 after the uncommanded pitch up/stall I experienced and can offer some (what I belive to be) helpful insight into what he faces, and some reassuarance that the repair won't be as bad as he might now believe.

It was my RV12 down

Have just managed to get into the RV12 forum site and thought would explain what happened to my plane last saturday. As it was reported I was flying along at 1000 feet when the motor just stopped. ( i think the gear box seized)
Made my calls and headed for a road which I knew I could land on, As luck had it there were no cars on the road, but when I touched down on the road I was unable to use the brakes for nose steering and went over a ditch which wiped off my under carriage and then hit a light pole with my wing and came to a stop about 30 feet after that. I now have the plane home and find there is extensive damage to wings, all the under carriage centre and nose have to be replaced which is quite extensive. Fuseage, side panels and panels under fuseage will have to be replaced as I will also have to order one wing spar plus numerous wing ribs etc etc. I was pretty confident about putting the plane down as I have been flying for many years but the one thing I did not like on the rv12 was brake steering and thats what brought me undone.
Just to let you know it is a great airplane and hope to have it back in the air in 6 months. Thanks everybody for your good wishes and keep in touch.
We are just glad to hear you're okay! Best of luck with bringing her back to life in the next few months!
Sorry to hear about the accident Brian. Sounds like the damage to the plane is fairly extensive, and a possible gearbox failure is a concern too, but obviously the outcome could have been much worse. Hope you get back in the air before too long, and not too much out of pocket.
A nasty experience Brian but great to hear you're OK. I'm sure we're all looking forward to hearing that you're back in the air.


Thats a tradgedy Brian. Glad you are O.K. Keep us posted with the engine failure findings.... we may be able to save someone else from the same fate! If there is anything I can help with, just sing out. Cheers. Marcus.
Sounds like you did a good job with the circumstances. Glad to hear you are OK. The plane can be fixed. I am anxious to hear of your findings on the cause of engine stoppage. Please keep us posted.
Dick Seiders 120093
RV Down

Hey Brian sorry to here of your mishap mate Glad your OK tho ...keep us posted of your Engine/Gearbox investigations and rebuild process mate ..
Thanks John H.
As luck had it there were no cars on the road, but when I touched down on the road I was unable to use the brakes for nose steering.

the one thing I did not like on the rv12 was brake steering and thats what brought me undone.
Just to let you know it is a great airplane and hope to have it back in the air in 6 months. Thanks everybody for your good wishes and keep in touch.

Brian, As you get more time with your 12 with brake steering, you will come to really like the simple system. I went from a Warrior to a RV6A and did not care for the brake steering then. But now I am really pleased with it.

If you had more time with your 12 before the motor quit, the brakes would not have added to the problem that the motor caused.

I have been offered a ride in a 12, and can hardly wait for a clear day to see what all the fuss is about...............:)
Rv12 Down

Checked motor tuesday and found a lot of copper filings in the oil sump which leads me to believe it could be bearings.We had a experienced bloke with rotax,s and there was plenty of oil, water, petrol and all lines were working ok so i am sending the motor to rotax were they are based in melbourne (about 1000 kilometres from us) to strip it. Will let everybody know when i find out. Regards Brian.
Thanks for the update Brian. Keeps us informed.

Nice job getting her on the ground and walking away. Planes can be fixed........ Well Done.
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No injuries equals Excellent Job!

Brian great job landing your 12 with no broken bones or injuries. Can you give us a little history on your engine? Was it new or used, if so how many hours were on it? Did it have the Senenich Prop on it or something different? What type of fuel do you guys run down there? And also what type of oil? Thanks for all your info.:)
Copper Filings

Thanks for the info Bryan. Sorry she went down, what a beautiful plane. Im sure it was hard to see her like that. Glad your ok.

I'm having to adjust to the brake stearing also. Keep us posted as you find out more. Like my dad used to say. "Get back on the horse"



1. Condolences on the plane.
2. Congrats on walking away.
3. Good Luck on the rebuild.


John Thach
180 h/p constant speed