
Has any -12 owner performed this upgrade process and what issues if any did you have to deal with. Losing settings etc. I've read the Dynon and Vans documentation for the upgrade and it doesn't give a good feeling. I currently have 5.4.0 and don't really have any issues.
Has any -12 owner performed this upgrade process and what issues if any did you have to deal with. Losing settings etc. I've read the Dynon and Vans documentation for the upgrade and it doesn't give a good feeling. I currently have 5.4.0 and don't really have any issues.

Yes, I have done it and I explained in the other thread you started, what type of issues you could encounter.

It is not tough to do because there is a settings file that is part of the software load file on the downloads page of Van's web site https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/12-D180-PRE-SETS.pdfthat should load most all of the perimeters for you if they get over written during the software upgrade.

There is also a presets text file available https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/12-D180-PRE-SETS.pdf that can be used to step through the manual set-up menus and confirm that everything is configured as it should be.

The general instructions for doing the update is at https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/RV-12-D-180_support_instructions.pdf

Note that Van's doesn't recommend updating beyond 5.5.0. That is the highest update with an integrated settings file that is available on the Van's web site. The changes made in 5.6 were not considered relevant to the RV-12 so an update file was never produced and posted to the web site. If you choose to download and install 5.6 from Dynons web site you will be forced to do a manual set-up if any parameters get over written.

I do recommend updating to 5.5.0 because it gives you a canopy unlatched warning functionality (requires installation of a switch and wiring to make it functional)

As I mentioned in your other thread, there are only a few parameters that have gotten over written in some cases for unknown reasons (possibly related to a specific release) I am not aware of anyone having that occur when updating to 5.5.0 but following the recommendations in the instructions document, to take photos before hand of all of the different set-up pages, would still be a good idea.
About a year ago I contacted Dynon regarding the fuel gage on my D-180. Turned out I didn’t do the calibration procedure correctly and resolved my own problem.

What was interesting – Dynon said all the software engineers associated with the D-180 had left the company and no one knows how to massage the old software.

Sounds like a Y2K thing…
About a year ago I contacted Dynon regarding the fuel gage on my D-180. Turned out I didn’t do the calibration procedure correctly and resolved my own problem.

What was interesting – Dynon said all the software engineers associated with the D-180 had left the company and no one knows how to massage the old software.

Sounds like a Y2K thing…

That might explain why it took almost 2 weeks to get a reply from Dynon Support on questions about my D180 !! :eek::eek: It's still a great EFIS so we might just have to rely on the expertise on this forum.
I do recommend updating to 5.5.0 because it gives you a canopy unlatched warning functionality (requires installation of a switch and wiring to make it functional)
I'd love to see some details on that. As far as I know there are only two contact inputs on the D180, which are used by the stall switch and spar pin switch. I've come up with a way to do it, but haven't implemented it yet. If there's a better or "Van's approved" way I'd be interested to see it.
Aside from the ones you’d use for the canopy for example (probably pin 9 or 10) the D180 also has 3 general contact inputs (pins 4, 22, and 23) and also if you have the HS-34 you’ll have even more contacts.
Aside from the ones you?d use for the canopy for example (probably pin 9 or 10) the D180 also has 3 general contact inputs (pins 4, 22, and 23) and also if you have the HS-34 you?ll have even more contacts.
According to the diagrams I have, GP1 through GP3 (4, 22, and 23) are all in use in an RV-12, as are both contact inputs (pins 9 & 10).
I'd love to see some details on that. As far as I know there are only two contact inputs on the D180, which are used by the stall switch and spar pin switch. I've come up with a way to do it, but haven't implemented it yet. If there's a better or "Van's approved" way I'd be interested to see it.

My mistake
You are correct that this function is only available on Skyview or G3X equiped RV-12's

D-180 is now about 10 years old in the context of RV-12 evolution so I should not write anything regarding it using just my memory :eek:
I went to 5.6.1 due to sending one of my auto pilot servos to dynon for repair, it came back with the new software, this caused me to have to send in the D180 to Dynon so they could unlock it, once I got it back I ran 5.6.1 to up date the other servo and compass. Not a big deal, I used the set ups previously mentioned that Vans has.