
Can anyone who has done this upgrade tell me what the issues will be. looked at the Vans required unlock file and documentation required for upgrade. Is there a real benefit to going from 5.4.0 to 5.6.1 and will I have to reset all the D180 efis/ems settings.
I upgraded my D180 when I bought my plane last year because it had never been done in 10 years. The process is smooth and it doesn't erase any previous settings however just do what it says in the procedures and back up the current software. It's pretty straight forward you just have to be patient because some sections take longer than others. You must have everything connected and turned on (autopilot servos for example) so it all gets updated at the same time or they won't talk to each other when you're done.
For never fully understood reasons, there have been instances of parameters being over written when doing a major update. It is a good idea to save ones that would be difficult to replace such as Fuel level calibration, K-factor, and Hobbs time.