
Well Known Member
We had snow two days ago and really cold temps in the Northeast. Today?s temps early this morning were below 0. Headed to the hanger and the had to dig out since they had not plowed in front of the hangers.

RV12 winter 2014-01-04 02.jpg

RV12 winter 2014-01-04 04.jpg

My pre-heater I made had the temps in the cowl about 60 ? 65 deg. Pulled her out and closed the modified oil cooler shutter fully. In 3 min temps were up to 95 and started a very slow taxi to the run up area. By the time I got there the temps were 130 for the run up. Take off with temps 170 and then at level flight I opened the shutter about 1/3 where the temps stayed in the 190s

RV12 winter 2014-01-04 05.jpg

RV12 winter 2014-01-04 06.jpg

Great day flying heater worked great air temps were ? 8 C. Climbed great and had to slower her down to keep her under the 120 knots.

RV12 winter 2014-01-04 08.jpg

Flight Video to be posted later
I heard you on frequency

I put a solid hour in my logbook today. Practiced landings on ice. Visited Linden airport KLDJ and saw a nice project under restoration. Heard you on frequency David you share it with Central Jersey Regional 47N. :)

What do people use to keep the cabin warm and dry between flights? I've thought of something simple, like a 40 watt light bulb.

Bob Bogash
David, Nice video,thanks for sharing.This cold, you must of climbed like a home sick angel.Have to ask about the gloves.Are they thermal?
Hey I recognize that plane. I bet the views were great in that cold weather. Theres nothing like winter flying in the NE.

That thing is a Goldenrod dehumidifier. Used by the thousands in gun safes, boats, motorhomes, trailers, airplanes, etc. You can get them in different sizes. The one I use in my cockpit is designed for a 200 cu. ft. enclosed space. It does not get hot enough to burn you or anything in the cockpit.
You can buy them on Amazon, or a lot of other places like a boat or RV store.

David I am 50 miles to your south at 0w3 and I would like to ask if I could come up one day and get some inspiration. Life has been so busy with other things that I have not worked on RV12 now for a while. I will fly a C162 Skycatcher up and met you.

Absolutely I will round up a few other 12s

This weekend is not good, I'll send you a PM with my contact info

Mark and Dave I'm sure you guys are in :D