
Well Known Member
The weather in NE Ohio has been terrible lately … so finally got around to finishing up the SkyView checklists for the RV-12 that were begun long ago, but never completed. Although aimed at the RV-12, the checklists could be easily changed to suit most any experimental aircraft outfitted with a SkyView … would just require a little text editing.

I’ve decided tis the season to share … so posted the checklists on the DOG Aviation Blog in the hopes others may be interested ... not to mention taking advantage of the HUGE savings in time. Of course, the lists can be easily changed to suit personal taste if desired. The lists were created with the 40% display screen in mind so each line of text is limited to 31 characters … which is a challenge!

Fellow RV-12 owners take note: There are entries in my checklists referring to a parking brake and a fuel pump switch. If you don’t have these items, simply copy my text files to a simple text editor and delete the offending lines then copy the remaining lines to the Dynon check list creation tool or the checklist file you are building manually. I did not include a pre-flight walk around checklist because it would just be so very long requiring multiple lists and … frankly, how can you see the list(s) on the Skyview if you are busy outside checking out the aircraft? Thus, I’ve decided to just use laminated checklist pages from the POH for my preflight walk around and just fill the SkyView with checklists, emergency procedures, spec data and miscellaneous info that can be used from the pilot seat.

The write-up on the Blog and posting of the lists consist of 8 posts …see the links below. The actual checklists are located in parts 3-7 and a complete tutorial in Part 8 describes how to create a checklist using the text lists from the Blog copied & pasted into Dynon’s checklist creator tool.

Part 1: Becoming acquainted with the format of Dynon’s checklist file and how to manually create the checklist file.

Part 2: About my text lists used to make the checklists, and miscellaneous lists.

Part 3: The text for the following lists: Before Start, Engine Start, After Start/Taxi, Run-Up and Take-Off

Part 4: The text for the following lists: Climb & Cruise, Decent & Approach, Landing, and Shutdown

Part 5: The text for the following lists: Emergency Engine Fail Takeoff, Emergency In Air Restart, Emergency Engine Fire On Ground, Emergency Engine Fire In Air

Part 6: Text for the following lists: Emergency Electrical Fire, Emergency Forced Landing, RV-12 Performance& Specifications, RV-12 POH V-Speeds.

Part 7: The text for the following lists: RV-12 Rotax 912ULS Limitations, Misc: Light Signals, Misc: Phonetic Alphabet, Misc: SkyView Buttons, Misc: Transponder codes, and Misc: Checklist Info.

Part 8: Using Dynon’s Excel-based checklist creator tool and examples of how to transfer the lists from the DOG Aviation Blog into the creation tool.

Happy Checklisting!
Thanks much for posting this. You saved me a lot of time. I have been intending to start on check lists for a long time and had just downloaded the instructions and macro. I actually reviewed and edited from your text as I loaded. Found a few spelling errors and edits for my plane and my preferences so I spent over 1 1/2 hours. Text file generated so it appears to have worked. I'll update my post once loaded into my Skyview.

Works perfect...just loaded it up. A great way to have all at your fingertips. Now to figure out how to insert maintenance intervals. Looks like all are in TAC time. That does not make sense since Rotax only uses Hobbs time. May have to dig into manual and figure out how to change.
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Thanks ever so much for pointing out the spelling errors ... appears the spellchecker I used didn't catch the typos if they were all capital letters. Of course, there were a couple of places where I had letters transposed as well.

My apologies to those who may have already built the checklists with the spelling and typos I failed to notice. I've made corrections to the lists on the Blog and think I've caught all the anomalies. Guess I need to remake my checklist file again now!

Thanks again Scott for letting me (and others who may have already copied the checklists) know there were a few issues.

11/21/2017 - Removed redundant name lines (typically the second line in the original lists) that were placed after the title line in most of the lists. Changed the lists on the Blog after realizing the Skyview actually displays the checklist title at the top of the checklist window so there is no need to display it again in the actual checklist.
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Hi John, thanks so much for doing this. I've had this on the back burner for several months, so kind of you to take the time and post the links. This will save me a ton of time....I owe you :)