
Well Known Member
What are you all using for canopy seals?

Back when I installed mine it was cold, and I just wanted to stop the air. They don't look real good, but they do the job. Now I am redoing the seals for a better appearance, but I still want it to work well in the cold weather here.

I saw "Little Red" (Van's demo) had a fresh make over for OSH which included a nicely modified Home Depo type "P" weather stripping that uses air pressure to seal. Anyone else try this type? Suggestions?

Anyone else come up with a better canopy seal?
Bringing the canopy seal question back to the top.

With the first few flights now complete, I have the same question as Larry. There is quite a bit of airflow coming in around the canopy at the fiberglass junction above the panel. There is corresponding suction along the sides of the canopy. With cold weather coming for many of us, this will definitely need to be sealed. Anyone have any recent pictures of Van's prototype that shows what they have done? I suspect that foam rubber seal could be used both under the front and along the sides of the canopy. What have others used?

Sorry - delayed answer

Across the top of the dash I found 1/16" foam works the best. Anything more, and the canopy doesn't want to come down. On the side of the dash, I installed square foam. Under the rails of the canopy, the same type foam seal. It does get cold in Iowa, and this works well. Any air leaks really fight trying to keep it warm inside. I tried foam under the front of the canopy, but it does not want to stay in place as well. The dash top is smoother, and it sticks better. It will still migrate some, but very slowly.

John Bender
RV-12 Canopy Seals


Don't have one of my latest seals. The under rail ones, and the side dash ones are still there and good. I moved the one under the canopy to the top of the dash. Works lots better.

John Bender
John I did the same thing you did. I got a good seal,but it keeps moving. I am looking for something else. It keeps moving forward on the canopy. Sides stay put. In the warm weather that glue backing becomes soft. Cold weather its seems to stay put longer.

Brad Stiefvater
124Bj 170 hours now
Hey Brad

I am going to try some small round seal on the 'ledge' under the canopy front. I felt in there this morning with the canopy closed, and you can get a finger tip in there, so I think a well glued small round seal is worth trying. Mine works good, but I think this new idea might look nicer when the canopy is up, and work good as a seal also. Should not migrate because it will wedge into that slot. At least I hope so. If it does, I will try to post a picture a while from now.

John Bender