I want to paint my Plexiglas Canopy around the edges on the inside just like all new automobiles windshield have there borders blacked out. I do understand the automobile is glass. What kind of paint should I use for the inside of my Plexiglas canopy? How do I prepare the Plexiglas so it will hold the paint?
Black border

Not sure about the 12- on my 9 I used sikaflex to bond the canopy- I used the black primer- tape off the border you want- apply primer on the inside- your border will be gloss black viewed from the outside- just like a car! Try it on some scrap and see!
This shows what I did - -

Taped off, sanded with fine paper and painted same color as frame. Flat white. Has stayed on for 7 years.
I did not use black tinting during my canopy fiberglassing process (wish I had). Instead I used the same 3M DINOC faux-carbon fiber "contact paper" that I used for the instrument panel and applied it to the inside of the canopy to cover the exposed plexi and fiberglass surfaces. It took a bit of cutting and pasting, but looks fine.
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Black-tinting the epoxy did not work well enough for me. It was splotchy. I used silver carbon-fiber-look vinyl on my panel and then pieces of that on the canopy looked great and was easy.