
Active Member
The plans don't say specifically which rivet to use for attaching the canopy deck to the longeron, so I assume it's the LP4-3 rivet. I don't have the finishing kit yet so I don't know how the canopy lays onto the canopy deck. Before I put in the LP4-3 rivets I want to make sure that I'm not suppose to put in countersunk flush rivets. Can some one who has done this step verify what I'm suppose to do?
Thanks, JimMac
Still @ work and have the plans at home. But if nobody has replied in the next few hours, I will check the plans and let you know at that time.

I'm having a brain-lapse on remembering which rivets they were.

What page are you on? This will help me to find the info quicker!
RV-12 Canopy Deck Rivets

Thanks, Gagarin737
Your information was what I needed. The link to section 34-03 was very helpful, also.
You're welcome.
You need to seal the space. I initially used stiff foam and it sealed very well on the ground. During flight the canopy lifts a little and I had a lot of draft.
I now use a black hollow silicon based profile from Elton (Dutch company). Two strips (from the three like the picture) is exactly the width of the canopy frame. It covers from 1-7 mm / 0,08-0,28". Seals very well and looks good.
