
Well Known Member
Usually August in the Northwest can be depended on for good flying weather. Our planned RV-12 Bullsession was scheduled today and it was 800 foot overcast at KPWT this morning at 0800, with a prospect of some clearing and scattered showers later in the day. By 1100, three ships were on the ramp, two that are based PWT and one that flew the ILS on an IFR flight plan. The instrument aircraft is Dan Masys in the center of the picture:

Conditions visible right at the airport are looking up, however the infamous convergence zone 10 miles north is IFR and holding up expected arrivals of RV-12s from north of the airport.
There were many anxious Wx checks on personal devices in hopes of seeing more 12s show up:

By 1200, the boys from Arlington show up:

This is Wes Schierman in N262WS.

The bull starts in earnest:

The, discussion...can be intense:

Six 12s made it, they are all in this picture, more or less.

This is Fritz Bright's great looking 12, he came last year but was unpainted:


Nice SkyView panel, clean, no frills interior with a backup GPS. That's Fritz on the right:

The Bremerton Pilots Association was having a BBQ today also, and I got us an invitation so everyone got fed on burgers and hot dogs.

Looking forward to doing this again next year, the number of 12s are increasing quickly. We had several folks come today who are still building and one or two who are ready to order kits.


Dan does fly his 12 on IFR flight plans. He is rated and current on instruments. His 12 is equipped with the D180 panel and the D100 on the right side. He also has a Sporty's SP400 nav/com with ILS capability. He discusses flying IFR in his 12 in this thread:

Dan lives at Blue Ribbon Air Park in Sequim WA, here is a shot of the airpark. That may even be Dan on the mower at the left side of the grass runway!

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Thanks Tony, very interesting. Looks like I will be taking a look at the SP400. It would be a nice item to have. Beautiful Airpark!
Great thread on IMC in the 12. I have a 430WASS in the Cessna that may or may not stay with the plane if I sell it since buyers will always say that avionics won't up the price. I spoke to the rep at AirVenture and they told me that as long as the skyview is coupled to a certified box it can be used for IFR. So the 430 may end up in the 12 after some more research.
IFR limitations

This is from mine, others could differ but I doubt it:

"20. After completion of Phase I flight testing, unless appropriately equipped for night and/or instrument flight in accordance with ? 91.205, this aircraft is to be operated under VFR day only."

The bold emphasis is mine.
