
Well Known Member
Pictures of last Saturday at Bremerton National airport. This is the fifth year that local RV 12s have rendezvous at PWT for a bull session. The weather was CAVU so we had a good turnout, seven planes in all, with another checking in with a bad ignition module on run-up and had to abort. There was an RV12 defector who came anyway doing penance in his new RV8, plus some observers who where still building or just interested. Wives like to attend as well, and everyone had a good time gabbing and looking at the airplanes. It was very hot on the tarmac so the group headed rather quickly for the relative comfort of the airport diner for the good food and camaraderie.



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I always enjoy seeing everyone and their great work. It definitely gives inspiration to those of us still building! Hopefully one day I will be one of the birds on the line. Thanks Tony for continuing to arrange this great annual bull session

Some of my best experiences were building. Everybody envies the final product, but as they say sometimes the journey is better than the destination! -- but flying these things is pretty sweet!

Planning a similar meeting for 12s this Saturday 27 August in the Southeast. Posted as follows:

Largest RV-12 fly-in east of the Mississippi

At least that we know of. So far 5- RV-12s committed plus a few other RVs and spam cans from North Alabama and North Georgia are converging on Ft Payne Isbell field 4A9 in Northeastern Alabama to talk planes and for lunch.

Plan is to show up mid-morning, 9-10 AM CDT at the airport to check out the planes and share building and flying tips and adventures. We will get a head count at 10:30 and use the courtesy car to pick up barbeque for lunch in the FBO conference room around 11:30. Plan is to then finish and depart for home to avoid the afternoon build ups.

100LL is $3.70 a gallon. Runway 4/22, ASOS is 119.025 and CTAF 122.8. Elevation 876 with pattern as 1900 by information. For a RV-12 I use 1700 and when flying the ridge for 22 extend the down wind and turn base at altitude and start descent when clearing the ridge and through final.

Anyone interested in a RV-12 or any airplanes is welcome to join us. Send me an email if coming so I can have a better idea of the group size.