Brett H

Active Member
As I get ready for the first flight of my project I would welcome others eyes to look over my project.

If able to, please PM me.


Brett H
Columbus, IN KBAK
Nashville, Indiana RV-12 builder

Hi Brett,
I'd love to see your plane. I just started my RV-12iS a couple of months ago in Nashville, Indiana-just down the road from you.
As I get ready for the first flight of my project I would welcome others eyes to look over my project.

I was going to fly to i74 Grimes Field Urbana, OH for lunch next Tuesday but your airport has a fine lunchspot on field, as well. I may even have a co-pilot along who just finished his Zenith 750 Cruzer and is doing his 40 hour test flights currently.

Just to close out my portion of this thread. Me and my buddy went out to see Brett's new -12 on Thursday...

Although I didn't get out my tape measure or micrometer (I assumed the PAP was followed correctly).. the build was done really really well. Even the skins looked like they just rolled off the aluminum mill's production line. The only things I could offer were some suggestions for the future and maybe a little extra RTV on the trim servo motor's wires.

Super job Brett! Hope it comes to Oshkosh in 2023.