
I'm New Here
Hello Gents first time poster here,

Looking to build an RV 12 in Canada, Southeast Saskatchewan to be exact. Just wondering if there are any Canadian builders that can offer up any advice?

In particular I would like to order the empennage kit ASAP, Do I need to register anything with transport Canada or any other government agencies, before I take delivery? I would mostly get kit shipped to a business in North Dakota, and import it myself.

Any advise that could be offered, as far as MR-DA inspections go would be most helpful. I.E. what can be done before inspections, what can't etc.

Thanks a lot.

Hi Ryan,
I'll be the first canuck to welcome you ....official greeting on the way!

check our good ol' COPA


and see if there's an RAA or EAA chapter nearby.

My dad started a Jodel on the kitchen table of our trailer in Meadow Lake in about 1962....I wasn't born yet!
Had my first ride in it in 1972!

Checked out Van's personal RV-12 in Oregon, definitely a pilgrimage you may want to make when you get your shopping list together!...either that, or aircraft spruce in Ontario!

best of luck, and happy building! I'm envious!
RV-12's are very rare in Canada. As far I know there are 2 recently completed and flying projects. One is at Regina, SK by Wayne and Greg Runyon, the other built by Teenflight Campbell River, BC. They have website so that you can get in contact with the project leaders for information.
In my opinion, the main reason of not having many RV-12 projects in Canada is; there is no light sport aircraft category in Canada, therefore you have to build as amateur built aircraft like all other RV's.
Upon purchase of the first kit you have to send an intend to build application to MD-RA and you will need the Van's invoice for this. All of the information you need is in the MD-RA website.
Good luck with your project.
RV-12's are very rare in Canada. In my opinion, the main reason of not having many RV-12 projects in Canada is; there is no light sport aircraft category in Canada, therefore you have to build as amateur built aircraft like all other RV's.

Interesting! In Australia, we have both ELSA and EAB, but almost all RV-12's here are built as EAB. In fact, of some 35 projects (flying and building) that I'm aware of, not one is an ELSA.
Thanks for the replies so far.

With it being experimental I am assuming you can do your own maintenance, and would you not be able to fly it on a recreational pilot permit?

Or am I missing something?

Thanks again.
The recreational pilot permit allows day VFR, in Canada only, of any 4 place or less non high-performance airplane. It's limited to one passenger regardless of seats and is not eligible for any endorsements other than seaplane. Any of the Vans models would work.
Thanks for the replies so far.

With it being experimental I am assuming you can do your own maintenance, and would you not be able to fly it on a recreational pilot permit?

Or am I missing something?

Thanks again.

I think Claude gave a pretty complete answer on the RPP, but we haven't yet addressed maintenance. Amateur-built aircraft can be maintained by an AME, however that is not mandatory and is more likely the exception. Amateur-built aircraft are typically maintained by the owner, and it is the owner who bears responsibility for their airworthiness. Some exceptions apply, particularly what Transport Canada deems "specialized work" such as annual ELT recertifications and 24 month Mode C transponder checks, which must be completed by an Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO). This rule also applies to type-certified aircraft - an M-class AME can't do the annual ELT test.
Thanks for the replies so far.

With it being experimental I am assuming you can do your own maintenance, and would you not be able to fly it on a recreational pilot permit?

Or am I missing something?

Thanks again.

In Canada, we build under the term "amateur built" as opposed to "experimental".

I think that answers most of my questions, at least enough to get me started anyways.

Still trying to figure out why the RV 12 isn't very popular in Canada, it seems like it would be the most user friendly Vans aircraft for the first time builder.

I will contact Vans, and check on lead times for empennage kit, with any luck, it will be waiting for me when I get home from Saudi. 25 days to go lol.

I think that answers most of my questions, at least enough to get me started anyways.

Still trying to figure out why the RV 12 isn't very popular in Canada, it seems like it would be the most user friendly Vans aircraft for the first time builder.

I will contact Vans, and check on lead times for empennage kit, with any luck, it will be waiting for me when I get home from Saudi. 25 days to go lol.


I was wondering the same like you, couldn't find a real answer. I believe, since it will be registered as amateur built which is EAB in the Us its resale value is somewhat reduced as it can not be re-registered as ELSA therefore requires a private pilot certificate to fly instead of light sport pilot permit (which doesn't require category 3 medical). Most people build RV-12 if they lose their medical. Also, I am seeing the Teenflight RV-12 is still on sale for more that 3 months even though the price is very reasonable.
@ jfckelly,
Wondering if you made any progress in your journey? I'm also Canadian and looking at the RV-12. If you could progress your experience so far would be great. :)