
One year after my first flight and 80 + hours later, I finally have a video of the build. The plane is still flying great and currently going through the CI, but hope to be back up soon. I still can't wipe the grin off my face thinking that I'm flying something that I built. Over the past year I completed the all test cards, made it to Oshkosh (survived the storms), gotten the plane painted, and made it over to the east coast a couple times to visit family. This plane was a joy to build and even more to fly. Thanks to all those who supported me along the way.

RV-12 Build - N418MJ

Flying RV-12 (80+ hrs and trip to Oshkosh 2019)
Warren County, OH (I68)
[email protected]

Congratulations Mark, - completion after the "long road". Especially fun for me to see the photos of Cyndi and your (now grown) children's involvement throughout the build.
