
Active Member
The only thing I don't like about the 12 is the canopy. I think it makes the the plane look like a bubble. I think adding a little more skin to the tip up makes it look so much better. What do you guys think?


My opinion

I like the looking down part, so I guess I like it the way it is. Your idea does not look too bad for sure. Certainly gives it a different look.

John Bender
You may give up some downward visability. But I am sure you could do it with paint.

Brad Stiefvater
The pull for me to the light sport style of plane is the greater visibility that this style has to offer. I like it the way it is.
Form follows function...

With the wing slightly behind you - the view is pretty awesome from the 12. "Filling in" that area would limit your view out (or rather down) on the opposite side of where you are sitting. Like the others have said here... it is a 'form following function' issue I guess.

You are right in that it looks better... but I've never said she was a beautiful bird. More like an average, girl next door kind of bird! ;)
Paint Schemes

You would be surprised how an artist can completely change the look of an aircraft by different paint schemes without painting on the canopy. Sharp body lines that integrate around the canopy may lessen the bubble effect.