
Well Known Member
There seems to be some question about this, and I don't see the exact question in other thread searches:

If I hold a Repairman, LS - Insp. - for the RV-12 ELSA N-number that I own, can I do the annual 91.207 logbook entry for the ELT?

Or do I need to pay an AP to do it?
If you hold the inspection certificate from the FAA on your ELSA or hold an RLSM-A then yes you can do the ELT inspection and sign it off for your 100 hr/annual condition.
I agree.... If you hold at least a LSRI (Light Sport Repairman Inspector) rating for your aircraft. (I am not sure what an RLSM-A is)
An LSRM-A is one who has completed the 120 hour course and is authorized to sign off inspections on any E-LSA or S-LSA airplane, owned by the certificate holder or not.

This certificate also allows the holder to do work on an S-LSA that a non certificate holder owner would not be authorized to perform.

Hope that helps.