
Well Known Member
Was wondering if anyone has a comprehensive annual checklist for our -12's.. seems funny with only 30 hours; but it's been a year since receiving my air wearliness certificate..

Just completed the Rotax warranty 25 hour/100 hour that part is done.
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condition inspection

Ric; Me too..due in July, after only 34 hours of flying time...please post if you get positive response to inspection check list...did not know about Rotax inspection?
Ric; Me too..due in July, after only 34 hours of flying time...please post if you get positive response to inspection check list...did not know about Rotax inspection?

Post # 2 is about as positive as you can get.

The Maint. Manual has a check list and a lubrication/service list.
The inspection standard for the engine is to use the inspection check list in the Rotax line maint. manual.
In addition to the above notes on both the Maintenance Manual and ROTAX manuals, suggest you go to Van's website and print off all the RV-12 service bulletins... I put them in a separate binder, in order, and at each annual make sure I go through them all. Some may not apply to your build, some are one time inspections, several are to be repeated annually.
For record, how about just printing and using the Vans website list of SBs to annotate compliance, applicability, recurrence?

In addition to the above notes on both the Maintenance Manual and ROTAX manuals, suggest you go to Van's website and print off all the RV-12 service bulletins... I put them in a separate binder, in order, and at each annual make sure I go through them all. Some may not apply to your build, some are one time inspections, several are to be repeated annually.
Thanks for the imput....will print off MM checklist and Van's SB's (to date) along with Rotax 25/100 hour checklist and set up binder with sectioned referenced on logbook entry.