
Well Known Member
RV-12: An Open Letter To Van's Aircraft

I'm done with building portion of the RV-12, and I'm now looking forward to the flight testing phase. I was issued an air worthiness certificate yesterday for N912VZ with no squawks.

Thank you Van's for a great airplane kit, and all your help.

I learned during the inspection that my DAR built serial number #6 RV-3. He talked about construction of jigs, plumb lines, drilling this & spacing that, bending everything to fit. When I told him how compete the RV-12 kit comes he was amazed, but not surprised. "Van has always been on the cutting edge of kit planes". ; he said. But he was really surprised at the in depth completeness of materials, parts, plans, and paper work. Seriously, the RV-12 is a modern engineering marvel, second to none, and in some ways those of us who have or are building the RV-12 are just as much pioneers as the first RV-3 builds were.

Thank you Van's for being a pioneer in homebuilt aircraft kit building.

There have been a few challenges along the way and I may have been vocal about them here on VAF, but the challenges themselves have been very minor in scope given the immensity and complexity of the RV-12 E-LSA project. I sincerely hope, in some small way, I have contributed to the process for creating the new frontier in kit built aircraft.

Thank you Vans, for allowing me to "participate".

Personally, I have throughly enjoyed every minute. The building process, the materials, plans, directions, and instructions are 1st class, top of the line. I have throughly enjoyed interacting with Van employees, engineers, the man himself, others on this website, and the hours spent sending e-mails and phone calls back and forth. The VAF / RV family is truly one of a kind.

Thank you Van's Aircraft for making my dreams come true.

..... And thank you VAF for allowing me to a member. I humbly serve with some of the finest men and women / pilots / home builders in the world.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have a new plane just dying to get air-born. :D:D:D
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VERY well said. I am within about a week of writing a very similar letter. I think you stated everything very well. Sometimes challenging but am just amazed at this engineering marvel.


Congrats! I've decided to wait for the new fuel tank plastic and when it ships I'll be right behind the two of you. By the way Larry, how did you solve your "too close to the spinner" adventure?

Seems like I keep finding last minute things, but within a week, I hope the inspector can look at mine also. Since I have painted as I have been going, that has had an influence on how I am doing also. Panel painting is not the best way, but worked best with weeks between kits. Like the famous saying, "good 10 foot paint job". I'm spending time picking decals to make it look a little better ( at least to me ) !

John Bender
Congratulations Larry! Unfortunately I'm not going to be around this weekend or I'd fly over to take a look.

RV-10 N442PM
Congrat Larry and well done. I better be on the ride list!

I also thank you for posting that letter to Van's. I do not speak for them, but I personally know how much hard work and long hours from many different people went into the RV12 out there in Oregon. Too many times people only let suppliers know when they are unhappy or need something, so when someone takes a few minutes to say thanks it means a whole lot. A little bit of thanks goes a long way to letting people know their hard work is worth it and as someone who also works all day long at this stuff, it's nice to see when a customer (and often times friends) finish an airplane and are happy with their result! As a builder myself I also see the other side as well....and get to experience both the joys and frustrations of being on both sides of the table.

I too would like to say a big THANK YOU to the Staff at Vans and StienAir. They really helped out when I got close to the end. Several of us that were getting close to the end placed a lot of calls to Vans on small issues. They responded to these issues as fast as they could. I do say small issues ,because the over all building process and the way things fit togather is just amazing. During my inspection the DAR kept commenting on how impressed he was with the plane. I have been to 3 different Airports now during my test Phase and the folks that have seen this plane are impressed with its construction.

9.8 hours on the Hobbs right now. Waiting for weather to improve so I can continue the Test phase.

PS If the older RV builder guys look at your plane during the building phase they will tell you that you have it way to easy.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD