
Well Known Member
After a few taxi tests to seat the brake pads & rotors, calibrate the Dynon compass, and test out the rudder command I was ready for the first flight!

Very uneventful first flight except for the obnoxious war hoops coming from the pilot. RPM was low on take off so I'll need to adjust the prop to a finer pitch. Temps in line, airspeed indicates good, stalls straight ahead at 48, slow flight handling very good, grin on pilot's face obnoxiously broad.

Time for landing on 35. Winds 310 @ 7knts, but steady. A tad high on base to final, no slips allowed yet per flight testing so it's land long. (Not a bad thing for the first flight) Flapperons deployed at 65mph, touch down at 55, nice rudder command to counter weather vaining. A non event landing for sure.

It's no 200HP RV-3, but I like this plane! Smooth, predictable, nimble, FUN!
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Great deserve to smile

Congratulations on your first flight in the 12. I think this airplane is going to make many of us smile over the next year.

Jay and Carrie
Albany, OR
Congrats big guy !

Not far behind, but very happy to know you got air under the tires, and back again !

John Bender
Larry, Congratulations from Downunder. Once the celebrations are over, need a new pic for this months screensaver. 'Till then Brad has the screen occupied. Smooth flying, ...Marcus.
Way to go, Larry! You guys sure are providing me with lots of motivation. The first part of the avionics kit arrives from VANS Tuesday. Steve
Congratulations Larry

I have appreciated your posts. The feedback and support on this site has been great. My engine was ordered Friday, and I hope it will be here by the time I get back from vacation.
Thanks for the kind words all.

Test flight 2 & 3 have gone very well. Working on centering the ball and dealing with a slightly heavy left wing. Getting the -12 to slow down in the pattern to land on the numbers is a real challenge. It's not hard to land, but the thing wants to glide forever! I wonder if speed brakes are allowed in E-LSA? ;)

I have a funny story to tell you all. After test flight #1 I pulled the cowling, everything was fine so back on it went. Test flight #2 I see an oil streak on top of the center of the area just behind the cowl! :eek:No problem, I'm right over the airport and no one is in the pattern. I make a nice reduced power approach and landing watching engine numbers, all is well. I get on the ground and taxi to the hanger. Relieved to be on the ground I start thinking of what could have started leaking, or what broke? To my surprise there is no puddle under the plane, I pull the top cowl and there is nothing in the cowl! Clean as a whistle! When I checked the oil I had placed the oil cap on top of the metal area just behind the cowl and oil had dripped from it! The oil was from the oil cap! Duh! :eek: Talk about relief! :D Back in the air I went!

It is a great feeling to build something that works so well.

Keep pulling those rivets! :)
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How could we get this far and not have any pics posted yet? You know we're all just anxious to see them!
Here ya go! Special thanks to Marty, John B, John S, Kevin, Mike, Brad, and Roger for their help and encouragement over the last year.




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Outstanding. I don't know who the ugly mug standing besides the airplane is but she's a beauty.

Outstanding. I don't know who the ugly mug standing besides the airplane is but she's a beauty.


Some weirdo jumped infront of the plane while I was taking the pictures.:rolleyes: Although he does have a VAF hat on! :D:D:D

Note: The blue masking tape to protect the nose gear leg is not E-LSA! :eek: ;)
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Well done Larry. Your machine sits down a little lower in the bum than some the others. Must be something to do with the springs. Hope she gives you many happy hours of fun..... Marcus.:D:D:p:)
Congrats and question

Many congrats Larry on your first flight (or first few now!!). Your -12 looks great.

Like you, I plan to leave mine unpainted as I am going to have an aircraft paint shop do the exterior. Did you install the wing to fuselage seal and just leave it open? The plans indicate that it should be left off until after painting but I was not sure if the gap would impact aerodynamics.

And dare I ask why part of the right wing is primed???


Good job. You mention "off to the paint shop". Do you have a really nice one that you are planning on? Good price?

Good job. You mention "off to the paint shop". Do you have a really nice one that you are planning on? Good price?

I haven't even thought about it yet, but it won't be Texas burnt orange! ;) Probably red & white.. :rolleyes: The paint shops are kinda slow right now so they are very competative on price.
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Question for you Larry


Was not sure if you saw my question about wing root seals in a post above. It is an applicable question for all of us who plan on first flights prior to paint. Here is the question again:

Like you, I plan to leave mine unpainted as I am going to have an aircraft paint shop do the exterior. Did you install the wing to fuselage seal and just leave it open? The plans indicate that it should be left off until after painting but I was not sure if the gap would impact aerodynamics.

Another thing to consider

In cool or cold weather, you will find it nearly, or impossible, to install the wings after the paint and seals have been installed. I had a machine shop build me a special pin to get the wings - IN - far enough for the other side pin, to be installed. The seals get VERY firm in cool weather. Maybe the wing gap should have been set before painting, I don't remember an exact clearance being given, but it will be an issue if you leave things as they are. The gap looked good to me, so I painted. Everything went together very well. Then I installed the seals, and we could not get the wings on again.

John Bender
Hi Larry
your photos are very inspirational! I notice you have etched the rivet lines on the outside of the skins. Did you prime those lines too? What etching and priming did you do inside?

Hi Larry
your photos are very inspirational! I notice you have etched the rivet lines on the outside of the skins. Did you prime those lines too? What etching and priming did you do inside?


That is just scotch brite marks on the skins to debur the rivet hole line. The exterior will be primed when painted.
Question for JBPilot

Can you describe or post a sketch or picture of the pin you had the machine shop make?
Question for JB Pilot #2

I think we can all use a picture or a drawing of the pin you had made. My right spar has a slight bend in it at the inboard rib, about 3/4 of an inch from were it came out the rib to the end of the spar and it may be a problem getting the spars to line up. People at Van's said that should not be a problem. We will see. Thanks
Wing Install Pin and Sleave

I had a local machine shop make this for me. Solid steel. Slightly under 1 1/2" diameter, with 2" taper from 1" to 1 1/2", then polished. 1/2" X 13 thread in both ends for pulling in from the rear, and pulling back out thru the front. Once it is pulled in, you can put in the other sides pin, and remove the special pin with the sleave and a bolt or threaded rod.

John Bender
Thanks JB

I had a local machine shop make this for me. Solid steel. Slightly under 1 1/2" diameter, with 2" taper from 1" to 1 1/2", then polished. 1/2" X 13 thread in both ends for pulling in from the rear, and pulling back out thru the front. Once it is pulled in, you can put in the other sides pin, and remove the special pin with the sleave and a bolt or threaded rod.

John Bender

Very ingenious, I think I will get it made and eliminate a struggle when the plane is done and there are better things to be doing;)

Was not sure if you saw my question about wing root seals in a post above. It is an applicable question for all of us who plan on first flights prior to paint. Here is the question again:

Like you, I plan to leave mine unpainted as I am going to have an aircraft paint shop do the exterior. Did you install the wing to fuselage seal and just leave it open? The plans indicate that it should be left off until after painting but I was not sure if the gap would impact aerodynamics.


Sorry I missed the question! No ill effects on leaving the wing gap seals off until painting that I can see. Per the plans they say it is okay. Nothing that I have found would indicate other wise, no air coming in, ect.