
Well Known Member
Notice to every Middlesex village, and farm:

An RV-12 builder buddy of mine, AlexE, called this morning to say he was going to place an order with Van's and did I need anything. I asked him to enquire about the ADAHRS mount stiffener fix. He just called back and said it is now available and he ordered two of them. P/N is 12SVAHRS Rib Kit, cost is $6.50.
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My buddy got one in his Avionics kit, his nomenclature was a bit different: "Came with my Skyview Avionic package?..part number F-00062."
I am waiting for a photo of it.
Don, that p/n makes more sense. The nomenclature I was given sounds more like the description, but that's what the order desk person gave my buddy.
I hope for the sake of all the new builders that Van's starts including it with the Emp/Tailcone Kit. That's when it needs to be installed.
What's this referring to? I couldn't find any forum discussion relating to ADAHRS stiffener fix and I can't find anything about either of the part numbers mentioned on the Van's site. Is it something inside one of the SBs? Nothing relating to this in my Emp/Tailcone kit just delivered in April.
Tom ? This is referring to a fix for vibrations affecting the mounting brackets on the tail cone skin for the ADAHRS. Some builders have experienced ?the ball? bouncing around from side to side as a result of the vibrations.

There are threads here if you look hard. Anyway, it was mentioned here last year ? it was suggested and later verified that the area where the ADAHRS bracket is mounted onto the tail cone skin easily flexes from side to side. Prop wash is thought to create some flexing/and or vibrations in this region that appears to be affecting the ADAHRS. The additional F-00062 stiffener will be installed forward of the existing ADAHRS mounting brackets to stiffen this area up and, in theory, prevent the ADAHRS brackets from flexing or excessive vibrations in flight.

I?ve been waiting for this to finish up the tail cone while it is easy to access rather than making the modification after the tail cone is mounted onto the fuselage. Ordered the kit today.
Yes they do have it now!
P/N is 12SVAHRS Rib Kit, cost is $6.50. is the correct part number.
I just ordered it and they had to look it up somewhere else to verify it and it is in stock.
I like the looks of it too:
I just ordered mine by phone, a little help for those ordering this, some confusion existed on part numbers. The rib itself is F-00062, and is $5. The 12SVAHRS Rib Kit is $6.50 and includes the rivets and documentation.
Anyone know if the "kit" is for both under construction and completed aircraft. In the link to the previous discussion it seemed to imply that there would be two kits developed.
Think the "kit" consists of the aforementioned F-00062 stiffener, a handful of LP4-3 rivets and a sheet or two of instillation instructions/drawings. By ordering the "kit" one will at least have the install documentation.

The stiffener can be installed during construction or post construction. Of course, installing the stiffener prior to mating the tail cone to the fuselage is the way to go if given a choice. Guessing kits purchased from now on will include the stiffener ... but that is just a guess.

Happy Building,
Think the "kit" consists of the aforementioned F-00062 stiffener, a handful of LP4-3 rivets and a sheet or two of instillation instructions/drawings. By ordering the "kit" one will at least have the install documentation.

The stiffener can be installed during construction or post construction. Of course, installing the stiffener prior to mating the tail cone to the fuselage is the way to go if given a choice. Guessing kits purchased from now on will include the stiffener ... but that is just a guess.

Happy Building,

I have not had any ADAHR problem in 70 hours of flight so I wonder if it is wise to install this stiffener in my case. On the other hand my annual is coming and this is a good opportunity to get into the tailcone. I would be interested to know if the installation of the stiffener can be made without disturbing the ADAHR. As the installation instructions come only with the kit, I don't like to have to order the kit just to find out.
As the installation instructions come only with the kit, I don't like to have to order the kit just to find out.

I would simply call the factory and ask them if they'd send you a copy of the instructions. I can't think of why they wouldn't since you're an established customer.