
Well Known Member
While I was on vacation this week, I got an email from one of the partners on 331RV. The canopy wasn't latched on takeoff so he aborted the takeoff, bounced once, then brought it down. The result was a collapsed nose gear, obvious deflection/bend to each of the main gear, a messed up firewall, and a deformed baggage area. I was finally able to get pictures today...

Despite being on facebook, this album claims to be publicly visible, so no account necessary:
I am really sorry to hear about the mishap. I hope the occupant was not injured. I know its got to be a very sad feeling.

Oh man what an Pity to such a Beautiful Aircraft Long as there where no Injures Guys..!
So Sorry

I hope sharing the damage helps spread some of the pain. We all feel bad and wish you the best with your repairs. Your pictures show that organization and planning has been started. I admire your resolve.

Hang in there. Nothing I see cannot be repaired back to "factory new" keep us all informed as to your assessment of damage, plans for repairs, and progress in those repairs. Documentation of this event will be of great value to others in the future.

Best of luck.

So..... how was the vacation? :eek:

Sorry, maybe a little early for gallows humor. :eek:
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The vacation was nice:) Went to Hawaii with the family.

The damage is depressing, but nothing too bad... At least both side skins and the bottom skin are going to need replacement as well as a few pieces inside the baggage compartment. The firewall and all 3 gear legs need replacement as well, in addition to a couple of the skins around the gear legs.

I'm also hoping that the fuel tank is OK, the right side is much more buckled in back there, so hopefully it didn't dent the tank!

Fortunately no one was hurt, and we have insurance, but we were really looking forward to flying to Oskosh this year, so this will make that impossible if we repaint before, or very difficult otherwise.
Bummer and something to learn from

Oh man, that's a bummer. Very glad to hear everyone is ok! :)

I remember reading about another bummer of a crash in San Diego with a Sportcruiser / Piper Sport. The pilot was trying to latch the canopy on short final and hit the power lines for the Trolly and flipped over via the nose. Pilot was ok.

My instructor always drilled me ... fly the plane ... fly the plane and watch where you are going. With an open canopy, just do a go around even if on take off. It can rattle all it wants, paper will fly out, it might be noisy, other folks will look at you.... **no big deal** just continue on and deal with it on the ground.

I wish I could have shared my knowledge with the guy before he went flying.

Hope the repairs go quickly, and he's back having fun flying soon. :)
Sorry for 331RV's misfortune. I have not experienced flying with the 12 pop top unlatched. I did commit this error twice some years ago when flying a pop top RV6A . Continuing the takeoff and flying the pattern to land was not a problem. The top is sucked up about 6 inches or so and did not affect flying at all.
Dick Seiders
Sorry for 331RV's misfortune. I have not experienced flying with the 12 pop top unlatched. I did commit this error twice some years ago when flying a pop top RV6A . Continuing the takeoff and flying the pattern to land was not a problem. The top is sucked up about 6 inches or so and did not affect flying at all.
Dick Seiders

I imagine that is exactly what would happen on the 12 as well, but it was enough to distract the pilot :/
The unexpected

The unlatched canopy is a like an open door on conventional low-wing singles (Rv-10s are another story.) It is not an emergency, it is a nuisance. The biggest problem is fighting the urge to "do something." Other than uttering an expletive, ignore it and return for landing. Better yet, use a checklist and avoid the issue.

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAAST Team Representative
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
The unlatched canopy is a like an open door on conventional low-wing singles (Rv-10s are another story.) It is not an emergency, it is a nuisance. The biggest problem is fighting the urge to "do something." Other than uttering an expletive, ignore it and return for landing. Better yet, use a checklist and avoid the issue.

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAAST Team Representative
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

Indeed. Exactly what was learned from this.
Obviously you have not taken a ball bat to your partner. That speaks volumes about your understanding of life's important values. Learn/teach and move ahead. I'm sure he feels the worst of anyone.
Sorry to hear about your plane. For what it's worth, I took off without the canopy latched last year. There was no problem except it was a bit breezy. I figured out the problem as soon as I lifted off but ignored it and flew the plane. As soon as I felt safe I notified the tower I wanted to land now, and landed w/o incident.
I think it is good that the we are having these problems reported as it means we can all, as a group learn from each others mistakes. Maybe a separate thread should be started to document what we have discovered.

I am sure someone reported that they had taken of with the canopy unlatched a few months ago and that the 12 flew okay so they could land and fix it. All our people should know this by now. Easy to say afterwards so I hope I dont do it!

From what I have seen we now have three incidences for one hundred flying RV12. I wonder if we should be working to somehow get the next two hundred up without problems by looking at what we can learn from these three incidences that have been reported.

Julian RV 120316
I think it is good that the we are having these problems reported as it means we can all, as a group learn from each others mistakes. Maybe a separate thread should be started to document what we have discovered.

I am sure someone reported that they had taken of with the canopy unlatched a few months ago and that the 12 flew okay so they could land and fix it. All our people should know this by now. Easy to say afterwards so I hope I dont do it!

From what I have seen we now have three incidences for one hundred flying RV12. I wonder if we should be working to somehow get the next two hundred up without problems by looking at what we can learn from these three incidences that have been reported.

Julian RV 120316

Out of the 3, I believe 2 are human error (servo/trim tab adjust incorrect and unlatched canopy -- not the cause of the accident, but a factor nonetheless) Only the -12 in Australia could possibly be a mechanical defect --we have yet to hear a cause in that one. No issues from design and/or features of -12, keep that in mind.
Another open canopy incident

There has been another RV-12 open canopy incident. I promised not to tell, so please do not ask for details. But I want to warn other pilots to ignore an open canopy and fly the plane.
What is more important, losing a chart in the breeze or losing the airplane while trying to close the canopy?
The RV-12 will fly just fine with the canopy open. Read Mark Henderson's post above. Thanks for sharing, Mark.
Joe Gores
OK so my 12 is not in the air yet but i fly the Evektor Sportstar, same canopy system, I use a digital checklist on my IPAD strapped to my knee (with laminated backups next to me. Closing and checking the Canopy Latch is in my checklist twice, once before runup, and again when cleared onto the runway.

Fuel Pump On
Transponder to ALT
Lights as required
Canopy down and latched

"Making a list and checking it twice"

I have a strange little flow I do right before I take off:

I say FUEL FUEL FUEL -the 1st FUEL is the canopy latch - the 2nd FUEL is the mixture knob - 3rd FUEL is the fuel selector lever. It is a top to bottom flow down the center and I touch each one to verify. My justification for calling the canopy latch "fuel" is that it is red. YMMV

RV12 canopy

During my trip to Petaluma, CA from Ohio in my RV12 this past July, I, too, made the error of taking off with the canopy unlatched. It was at 29 Palms airport, CA, 110 degrees F, windy, long, bumpy flight and I forgot to latch it. The noise, wind and canopy motion was startling but I remembered this thread and flew the plane. I couldn't latch it when flying, the wind distorted it so the guide pins wouldn't fit. I just held on to it and returned to land. Thank you for sharing your experience, it helped me.:)