
Well Known Member
I talked with Vans today inregards to FWF drawings and parts list. The drawings and parts list are still not ready. They are supposed tobe still working on them. I am building E-AB and hoped these would be ready soon so I could order necessary parts to install engine. Then I got thrown a CURVE, only a Vans engine will fit the motor mount because of water pump placement. I was a bit taken aback because I was told I could build E-AB. Now I have a engine that might not fit. They are supposed to let me know the 912 model number so I can see if my engine will fit. If not I might have a Twelve on the gear for sale. Hope this will help any other E-AB builders.
Threepeat RV Builder
Cub, NC88583
Gerry- Before you go to bailing out, I would check with VANS on the coolant pump issue. The coolant pump on the lower rear of the engine allows for about four positions for the outlet pipe. The pump itself does not change, as far as I know. The exit pipe usually has to be loosened (not the easiest job- it's on there with green (permanent) Locktite). It has to be gently heated, to remove it. After it is off, it can be rotated to one of the four positions- I'll bet that this what VANS did with theirs. I had to do this very thing with my RANS S-7, three years ago. Hopefully, this is all you'll be facing. Steve
Gerry- Before you go to bailing out, I would check with VANS on the coolant pump issue. The coolant pump on the lower rear of the engine allows for about four positions for the outlet pipe. The pump itself does not change, as far as I know. The exit pipe usually has to be loosened (not the easiest job- it's on there with green (permanent) Locktite). It has to be gently heated, to remove it. After it is off, it can be rotated to one of the four positions- I'll bet that this what VANS did with theirs. I had to do this very thing with my RANS S-7, three years ago. Hopefully, this is all you'll be facing. Steve

The clocking of the four pipes is the issue. It is true that they can be repositioned. I am sure what you were being told by someone at Van's is that unless the engine is bought from them, their is no guarantee that it will just be a bolt on installation
Thank you guys for water pump info. My engine is a 2007 912ULS with a rear bottom mounted water pump. I hope I can rotate pump so that it will match engine mount. I should be hearing from Vans soon as to what my options will be. I will post them.
Scott & Steve don't need backing up, but I agree with them. Your engine will most likely work with the engine mount.
The clocking of the four pipes is the issue. It is true that they can be repositioned. I am sure what you were being told by someone at Van's is that unless the engine is bought from them, their is no guarantee that it will just be a bolt on installation

I put a new engine on my kitfox in January, it has an issue with the pipes as mentioned. I sent the cover for the water pump and the oil tank to kitfox and they took care of it for me. Do not do the work on the pipes yourself unless you know what you are doing. If vans wants to charge you for relocating the pipes do it. I also had to have the tank cut down. I bought the engine from kitfox so they did everything for me for free, part of buying the engine from them. Made me feel good that they did it. don't give up, it's just a little setback.
Oh I wanted to add that you're going to love that engine. I have 100hrs on mine now and running real good. The RV is at 60hrs within a month :D ( tomorrow will be a month) catching up to the ol' kitfox. One thing, you don't have to do anything to brake in the engine, just go fly.
Thank you guys and Scott at Vans.
There are multiple configurations for the 4 outlet pipes on the pump housing. For the RV-12 installation, the pipes need to all be parallel with the crankshaft and 'wrap' forward toward the prop. If your tubes are different than this, they can be carefully removed using heat and reinstalled in the correct orientatiion. Our experience has been that it's difficult to get them out without trashing them so you may want to source new pipes before you go after it.
The housing and pump itself are the same. Bottom line, you may need to tweek the outlet pipes, but it should work fine.
This message was sent to me by Scott at Vans.