
Well Known Member
From Deck Airport in Myerstown, Pa. RV-12 serial # 120054 (N1214J) made its maiden flight at 10:00 am this morning. Lift off was in about 500 ft. First attempt
to land was a little high so after a go around landed about half way down
the runway. I need more practice on getting her down. What a great feeling.
Hope to have some pictures posted later.
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Good job! As others have said, pull to idle on downwind at TD point, trim for 65 ...cross the numbers around 60...TD at 54.

Good Job

John, congrats on your first flight. Looking forward to your pictures. With only a few landings under my belt....I have found slowing down to 60 kts downwind and then reduce to 55 kts on short final works good for me. Happy flying! Steve
getting a good descent rate on the -12

As others have said, getting the RV-12 on to descend is all about the airspeed. Some have indicated a need to slip to get a good descent rate. I have never had to do so- if you follow the speeds suggested by Van's with full flaps, it is no problem at all. I slow to 60 kts on downwind and hold that until short final, when I slow to 55 kts. The POH suggests 55-60 kts. If these speeds are held, the plane is an absolute joy to land. I typically put in my second notch of flaps on base and nearly always get the "500" callout from the Garmin just after turning base.

Congratulations and have fun!

Way to go John. The 12 is a treat, as you will quickly find out. Hmmmm Myerstown. I used to live in Reading, and have been to Myerstown a number of times. Deep in the south for a long time, but remember the pretty farm country of your location. Good luck with your 12.
Dick Seiders 120093
Way to go! JTE65 has it correct for the landings. Got to get the speed down so it doesn't float in ground effect. You don't need to worry about stalling at 50 - 55, remember stall speed is probably about 35.
Have fun!:D
Thanks for all the advise. It was quite a thrill taking to the air for the first time. Unfortunately the plane will sit in the hangar for the next few weeks while I take a trip to Alaska. I hope to put many hours on her after I get back.
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