
Hi everyone. New to the forum.

Bought the RV wing, empennage and fuselage kit back in 2009. Many stops and starts since then.

My son is older now (11 years) and showing great interest in helping me finish the aerie so it won't be so lonely in the shed anymore. Determined to nut it out and get the project completed before end 2013 - well that's the goal anyway.

Wonder how many other RV kits worldwide are only part built and have been 'shelved for when I get more time' ?

In November the New Zealand Microlight class has been increased to 600kg !!! So the RV12 will qualify as a microlight !! This plane will most definitely have some groovy mods and I am also exploring alternative power plants to the Rotax.

I will post photos, updates, frustrations, advice etc here as I make progress.
Welcome to the forum - there is a wealth of info on the site. Using the search function you will find many of your questions have already been answered or at least discussed

Keep posting and post some pics of your progress. :)