
Well Known Member
We made it to the Bahamas for a second time in April, as a flight of 3 RV-10s. For the first half of the trip, we stayed at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club in The Exumas. We'd been there before but we had to go back because it's amazing! However, the runway there was temporarily closed for repairs so we landed in Black Point and took a 10 minute boat ride back to the other island. We chose a new location for the second half, Fernandez Bay Village on Cat Island. Both places were wonderful and so was the flying!

Here's a video of our trip :D
What a wonderful video Brandi! Nice family, great airplane and an absolutely beautiful place to fly! Gotta get there soon!

I believe your rv 10s were on the ramp at blackpoint when all us canucks invaded. There were 3 tied up over in the far corner, we all filled up the main ramp when our group of 3 rvs, 3 cessnas and a twin comanche came in. Small world.

We stayed right on black point for a couple days before moving on to pitttown. Glad you enjoyed the trip. Love flying to the bahamas and trying new stops.

What a nice video. Thanks for posting. It's very motivating for me. I really need to get my bird finished before my kids are all grown up! See you guys at Airventure this year?
Wonderful video! Nice to see the Olson's make an appearance there, too. They are the reason we tried Staniel Cay and love it. Any word from the locals about when the runway might be re-opened? Have they even started working on it?
Excellent! This is a trip I hope to make someday in my own -10 (I may get impatient and try it in the Warrior in the meantime).

Thanks for sharing the video.
I've always wanted to fly into the Bahamas, but have been worried about breaking a rule. I know AOPA has all the info online, but knowing me I'd rather learn doing it. I'll get there eventually. Probably once I sell my bonanza and get something else. I would take my RV8, but I'll hold off on that for a while.
I've always wanted to fly into the Bahamas, but have been worried about breaking a rule...

Rules, shmules....

I forgot to file a flight plan going in, didn't get a cruising permit or pay any fees once I got there, forgot my "big" N numbers and missed my estimated ADIZ entry time by over an hour going out.

No fighter escort, Not a peep out of anyone.

Prepare the best you can and go for it!
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I believe your rv 10s were on the ramp at blackpoint when all us canucks invaded. There were 3 tied up over in the far corner, we all filled up the main ramp when our group of 3 rvs, 3 cessnas and a twin comanche came in. Small world.

That was us. =) I saw you guys fly over before you landed and, when we went to leave, I commented on "all of the Canadian planes" on the ramp. =P

See you guys at Airventure this year?

You bet! We plan to be there the first half of the week. =D Can't wait!

Any word from the locals about when the runway might be re-opened? Have they even started working on it?

It had been closed for a week when we got there and they had not yet started working on it at that time. I'm not sure if they've started on it by now but it appears to still be closed.

I've always wanted to fly into the Bahamas, but have been worried about breaking a rule.

They usually have a forum or two on it at OSH but it's soo easy. We've been to the Bahamas twice and Mexico twice. While going in and out of Mexico isn't horrible, going in and out of the Bahamas is a breeze. =D
Good Show!

Excellent video, Brandi. I think it's nice that you included your little one with you on the trip. You're making memories that won't soon be forgotten.
Been missing you on Facebook.