
Well Known Member
OK, the Lancair IV-P is a pretty impressive aircraft. What would be involved in allowing the RV-10 to fly higher with comfort for the passengers? I see that there is supercharging available for the IO-540, but with a $16K addl pricetag - that'd let the engine breathe. What is required to maintain cabin pressurization?

Cabin pressure

A pump.

AND, an airframe designed to hold the pressure in, which the -10 isnt.

Best to go with a O2 system, and forget trying to pressurize.

My 2cents

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There would be considerably more than just 16K for an engine to considering pressurizing the air frame. If this is your choice, sorry to say the Lancair is a better option. Have flown a 4VP, and it was very impressive. So was the price tag. :eek:
Prerssure releif valves...

Yep, I would not worry much about the airframe of the 10 holding pressure, you have 5 large, tinted, plexiglass relief valves that wil relieve the pressure before any airframe deformation!
I'll be even more direct:

You are comparing a Cessna P-210 to a 182. COMPLETELY different missions.

If you want to go high, fast and pressurize, go with the Lancair. If you want to save money, cruise around 200MPH, go with the RV-10. Sure you could super or turbo the RV, but it would only get you about 20mph, besides the fact that it wasn't designed for high-altitude. So in short, No they don't compare. Maybe look at the Lancair ES Vs. and RV10, they are more in the same class.
ddnebert said:
OK, the Lancair IV-P is a pretty impressive aircraft. What would be involved in allowing the RV-10 to fly higher with comfort for the passengers? I see that there is supercharging available for the IO-540, but with a $16K addl pricetag - that'd let the engine breathe. What is required to maintain cabin pressurization?


I'll make it simple, a different airplane!
These are the type of questions that cause Van to lose sleep at night. Remember that Van published a question from several people about adding HP, ALL BEFORE THE PROTOTYPE HAD EVEN FLOWN! Since the plane has some safety margins I sure youe could use a few additional HP without damage. But an additional 25%, not really safe. Pressurization, not even remotely possible. Remember that the Lancair IV P has a base KIT price of more than most will spend for their completed RV-10! Lancair has even reported some problems with the pressurized versions when they have designed for it. The RV-10 will carry 4 real people at 200 mph. With reasonable comfort and a reasonable price. Trying to make it something it isn't is unsafe if you aren't a aircraft engineer capable of designing your own aircraft.
Bill Jepson
Yup, you're trying to match the wrong airplane to the wrong mission (probably because you are aware of the difference in price between the aircraft).

You could take it a step further and wonder what it would take to modify an RV-10 to fulfill the mission of an F-16. While that's a bit ludicrous of an example, it makes the point well.
Speed and altitude

I ran across this excellent article, reproduced from the RVator that explains the unusual hazards of flying at height and the "Instrument that Lies".


I'll stick to the basic RV-10 idea. Just ordered the tail/empennage kit and will be attending the Alexander Technical Center class in early February.
