
Well Known Member
A great looking RV10 panel left the shop today with a very happy owner!
I really love the way this turned out, hated to see it leave.

Dual G3X Touch w/SXM, Dual ADAHRS, G5, GTN750, GTR20, GMA245, GTX45R, A/P w/GMC307, GI260 AOA, heated/regulated pitot.
Upgrade also included dual B&C alternators, AeroLed nav/strobes and landing lights, Honeywell switches, Klixon breakers etc..

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For some reason while I was drooling over this panel, my checkbook jumped off my desk and locked itself in the safe.
I like the labels (and the rest of it too of course). Care to share how you made them?

Labels are easy-breesy, just contact Matt at 'aircraftengravers' and send him a list of what you need and he does all the work, I use the .020" 'Matte' finish, and yes they look great, are very visable and durable.
Nice looking panel Walt, hmm sorta looks familiar. Frank told me about it. Looks great. While you had it apart did you put in the door pin switch and connect to the G3X.
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Two Radios?

I am considering a similar panel. Can you tell me why you got a GTR20 when you already have a radio built into your GTM750?
I am considering a similar panel. Can you tell me why you got a GTR20 when you already have a radio built into your GTM750?

Same reason we did dual alternators, dual ADAHRS's and backup indicators, redundancy.

Mind telling us what this cost you?


Well I didn't have to pay for it, but approximately 40K for equipment.

My guess is that panel cost more than my entire airplane! :D

Maybe true, but on an RV10 I would venture to say the increased value of the aircraft would recover a large part of the investment, this actually holds true for most RV's I suspect after upgrading to glass.
Glare shield

What is the cover/trim on the glare shield? How far does it protrude over the standard metal part of glare shield? Looks very nice. Whole panel looks great.
What is the cover/trim on the glare shield? How far does it protrude over the standard metal part of glare shield? Looks very nice. Whole panel looks great.

Can't take credit for the dash cover. The aircraft already had that and the Aerosport panels, I removed them, had new inserts made to my specs (from Stein Air), had all of it all repainted then reinstalled with the new equipment.
I can tell you the padded dash cover went all the way to the windshield.
Why 2 radios - my reason

I am considering a similar panel. Can you tell me why you got a GTR20 when you already have a radio built into your GTM750?

As Walt stated redundancy is one reason for dual Comm's, but for me the main reason is that having 2 Comm's makes things easier. You can have 2 more frequencies dialed-in and ready to go with the push of one button.

When flying VFR, I can have the active and standby Unicom's in one radio and use the other radio to check ATIS. For IFR, I can use one radio for ATC and use the second radio for the destination airport (ATIS, Twr & Gnd).

Also, with the G3X / GTN set-up, I've found that it's easier monitor the inactive Comm vs monitoring the STBY freq on the active Comm.
Why 2 radios - another reason

Being able to preload four frequencies is definitely nice when flying in the system, but there's also another compelling reason.

Each radio can only have one antenna, and on a metal aircraft there is no location that will give you 360deg coverage. I have a glass airplane and still have significant "holes". That's why I have one belly mounted antenna for excellent coverage down and forward; and another tail mounted antenna for coverage rearward and above.

If I ever have trouble transmitting or receiving I just swap to the other radio and all is clear. 80-100mi transmissions are 5x5. I find myself relaying a lot of messages for ATC.
As Walt stated redundancy is one reason for dual Comm's, but for me the main reason is that having 2 Comm's makes things easier. You can have 2 more frequencies dialed-in and ready to go with the push of one button.

When flying VFR, I can have the active and standby Unicom's in one radio and use the other radio to check ATIS. For IFR, I can use one radio for ATC and use the second radio for the destination airport (ATIS, Twr & Gnd).

Also, with the G3X / GTN set-up, I've found that it's easier monitor the inactive Comm vs monitoring the STBY freq on the active Comm.

Makes sense. I've flown both configurations. The problem with the GTR 20 is that it doesn't have the 8.33 spacing I need for Europe. That means more panel space as I would need to pair my GTN 750 with a GTN 650/635 or a GNC 255 or GTR 225.
One Radio IFR

I expect to begin on my IFR ticket. My panel doesn't have space for another radio and the remote GTR 20 doesn't give me the 8.33 spacing I need for Europe.

I rarely used my second SL30 radio in 300 hours of VFR cross country. Does anyone have an opinion running VFR and IFR with only one radio in the following setup?

G3X Touch dual 10" display, dual AHARS, GTN 750 nav/com, GMC 307 autopilot?

...also GTX 345R transponder and GMA 35 audio, GSR 56 weather.