
Well Known Member
They are both about 6 months out. Quick Build. Already built the tail feathers, and half way through the tailcone. Timing opinions???
Defer, defer, defer...

You will spend the better part of a year on your cabin top, windows, and doors, assuming you do all of your own work, including interior paint, exterior paint prep, etc. IMO, there is no reason to order the engine or avionics until you get into that part of the build.

Well that depends on the engine. I know a guy that ordered a new engine a long time ago and still doesn’t have it. I had Barrett build mine and it took nearly 8 months to get it.

Plan wisely and do t assume that it will be delivered on the specified date.
They are both about 6 months out. Quick Build. Already built the tail feathers, and half way through the tailcone. Timing opinions???

I am in process of finishing up my cabin top and doors now. I will have spend almost a year on the door and top section! Decided to pull the trigger on engine and panel now. Wanted to have them by Feb 2020. Was planning on Thunderbolt engine, found out they are 9 months out. Ordered an Aero Sport Engine, will be here in early January. Have had panel planned and on list with Aerotronics for 2 years. Once I pulled the trigger, they take 4 months. So, timing is also going to be affected greatly by who your engine and avionics suppliers will be.

So, I'd suggest you make your supplier / vendor decisions now, and find out their lead time. Then time your order to be coming in when you expect cabin top, doors & windows to be done. Completing top and doors will take longer than you expect!
I'll throw my 2 cents in as well.

I ordered my thunderbolt the last week of May. Have no idea when it will arrive.
Placed my panel order with Stein the Monday after OSH. He is predicting Feb/March 2020 for delivery. We have already finalized the design and I am in the que

I spent nearly a year doing the cabin top, doors, windows and interior. I also finished all the gear fairings (easier to jack without the engine on).

SO basically I am left with the eninge install / cowl and the avionics and a ton of other things.

Depending on when and in what order you plan to do things I would plan ordering the engine while fitting the doors...if the 8-9 month lead time stays the same.
I work full time on my 10. Purchased a kit with emp complete and QB fuse and wings unstarted. Was well over a year before ready for engine. I did my own panel and wiring though. At your stage, 6 months is not realistic. Maybe the panel, depending upon your approach, but not likely.
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In 2009 I noted that the price of engines was escalating faster than inflation, faster than the stock market. So I ?invested? in an engine (with preservation oil, etc.) well before I needed it.
OTOH, I wanted to minimize having avionics that were obsolete before I flew, so I waited as long as possible on them. If there?s a backlog on pre-wired panels, there?s always the option to do it yourself. It really isn?t that hard.