
Well Known Member
Last Thursday we decided to head to Hurricane UT and Marble Canyon AZ for the weekend. We couldn't leave until Friday afternoon and I was really hoping to leave early enough so we could land at Hurricane and not St. George since that is where we would be staying. Hurricane currently does not have any lights at their airport.

Friday afternoon rolled around and I was pretty busy at work starting to wonder if we would get out of Salt Lake on time. RaNae beat me to the airport and to my surprise I pulled around the corner and saw this.


RaNae had pulled the plane out, called the fuel truck and had the tanks topped off. All I had to do was pre-flight and make sure all the baggage was loaded. Now I could get use to that.

We did get off the ground around 3:45pm and headed south.
I had climbed up to 12,500 because of very favorable winds that were predicted that day and they worked out. The RV was showing over 200 knots the whole flight. There was lots of chattering occurring between a Cirrus and C-172 flying northbound into the wind asking for wind information at different altitudes. The C-172 said he was being passed by trucks on the freeway. I informed them that they better not climb too high as the winds would only get worse.

I ran LOP for a little while and the Grand Rapids showed over 21 mpg.



As we approached Hurricane/St.George area, Kolob Canyon and Zions Park started to come into view.


With that great wind we made amazing time and landed with plenty of light remaining.

I am very fortunate to have some great friends at Hurricane and Sky Ranch
Airport. I was able to land and pull my plane into a nice hanger that F1 Rocket pilot Wayne Loeber owns.

The next morning we headed to airport to meet up with the gang for some hanger talk before heading to breakfast at our favorite spot, The Bear Paw.
I set my camera up next to Franks who made this post that day.

Here is my shot.

Saturday we spent the day driving around in my friends Jeep. There is a great road between Washington and Hurricane where you can see some dinosaur tracks. It was a beautiful day.






Driving around in that Jeep was about as much fun as flying in the RV. We took the Jeep up an road called the Honeymoon Trail. It had a great overlook.




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On Sunday I went over to Skyranch to see Gene Porters new RV-7A and it very nice. The paint job was amazing.



Around 2pm we hopped in the RV and headed over to Marble Canyon AZ.
The flight over was just beautiful. We flew along the Vermilion Cliffs on our way to Marble Canyon. When we approached the airport there was a powered hanglider that had towed up a hanglider and had just landed.
Apparently, they were taking pictures with a photographer.

We approached the airport from the south, entered the pattern for a left downwind and landed on runway 3. The runway is not real wide and is not in the best shape but it is no problem. We taxied to the north end of the runway where we parked and tied down.







The lodge was closed but the gas station was open and it had a small grill inside where they made some great food. We ordered a small pizza which was homemade and we went outside and ate it on their picnic bench directly across the street from the airplane.


This was a nice jewelry shop in Marble Canyon. The owner is also a Schmidt (not related). Just a place to take your wife when you visit.

We then headed over to the two bridges to overlook the Colorado River. The first bridge was built in 1929 and was the only place to cross the Colorado in 600 miles. It really connected Utah and Arizona. Hoover Dam was completed in 1936 and Glenn Canyon Dam in 1966 which also helped get across the Grand Canyon. On the first bridge they built in Marble Canyon, only one car could pass at a time. The second bridge was finished in 1995. Lee's Ferry is just down the road from Marble Canyon and is also where you would start your float trip down the Colorado and The Grand Canyon. We were lucky enough to do a week long float a couple of years ago. Put that one on your bucket list, it is really an amazing trip.




We watched the hangliders for a few minutes and then headed back to the plane to start the flight back to Salt Lake.



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We departed on runway 21, turned to the north and flew over some great country on the way home.




Here is Lee's Ferry where you launch into the Colorado with your rafts.

The sun was setting over Fish Lake as we got close to home.

I took a little video during the flight home of our great sunset. I'm new to posting on YouTube.

We had a great weekend adventure thanks again to the trusty RV. That drive home from Marble Canyon would be over 6 hours. The RV made it 1 hour 36 minutes. Awesome.
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Thanks again for the trip write up. If we can ever get this %^$$$$ controller working I can join you on some of those adventures!
I'm so jealous...........

I'm heading down to the Lake Powell/ Marble Cyn. area in the 6A about an hour (Sat. morning)! :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A
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What a great day for flying

I'm so jealous...........

I'm heading down to the Lake Powell/ Marble Cyn. area in the 6A about an hour (Sat. morning)! :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A

Have a fun and safe flight. What a great day to be out flying.
I'll probably go do some flying around lunch today but have to be back by 4pm for THE BIG GAME. UTAH vs. BYU!
Beautiful Country - and gorgeous pictures!

I really wish I could string together more than a few days off work so Louise and I could go bum around out west...I guess in a few years, we'll be able to do that.

Now that Avgas prices have fallen, takign the RV places is getting to be a real bargain again!

Dinosaur track coordinates

Here are the coordinates for the dinosaur tracks.
You can see in Google Earth how they are in the bottom of a riverbed and they built a levy around them to deviate the water to slow down the erosion.

37? 1'29.00"N
Have a fun and safe flight. What a great day to be out flying.
I'll probably go do some flying around lunch today but have to be back by 4pm for THE BIG GAME. UTAH vs. BYU!

We had a real good time.............and took friends from Kanab for scenic rides to Lake Powell. Flew the area from Lee's Ferry to Monument Valley, then up to Canyonlands. RV's are great!

Pic: Colorado River near Moab

L.Adamson --- RV6A