ohiopilot said:
Front page. A bird hit an RV-10. Pics are there.

Front page = click on the large VAF block in the top left. The one with the blue stripes and airplane in it.

It took me close to a year to figure out that this is a link to other stuff, I suspect there are others out there who still dont know about this link yet.

Probably most bookmarks or favorites are set to take you directly to "forums". You will miss out on good stuff on the home page.

Ron, you hit it right on the button.

I found this site with a google search of rv-10. Saved that in my favorites, and never knew anything else.

Surely I cant be the only one to do that, which is why I posted the above about the Front page.

Figured I would try to help others with comp skills in the same level as mine.

Only trouble is now I spend way too much time pounding on keys instead of rivets.

Change your bookmarks!

Mike S said:
Ron, you hit it right on the button.

I found this site with a google search of rv-10. Saved that in my favorites, and never knew anything else.

Surely I cant be the only one to do that, which is why I posted the above about the Front page.

Figured I would try to help others with comp skills in the same level as mine.

Only trouble is now I spend way too much time pounding on keys instead of rivets.


OK, Mike, maybe we can change this!
Delete whatever you have for the VAF bookmark and substitute this:
Then it's only one more click to "forums"
If anyone can get the story, I'd love to hear more about it. The last of the pictures is almost funny. One feather under the tip light cover. How did it get there?! Pretty amazing that the planes can fly with that much damage. Glad the pilot landed safely.
10 vs turkey

I wonder what the weight of this bird was.......
I figure 350F for 2 1/2 hours :)

I'm glad for the more fortunate outcome...one tough wing
Vans Air Force Pilots 2 Turkey Buzzards 0

Ron, I think your plane is a little stronger! It looks like it even bent the spar.

At the top left of every page in the forums is the breadcrumb:

Home > VansAirForceForums

Clicking on 'Home' takes you to the front page of www.VansAirForce.net (as does clicking on the logo).


Mike S said:
Ron, you hit it right on the button.

I found this site with a google search of rv-10. Saved that in my favorites, and never knew anything else.

Surely I cant be the only one to do that, which is why I posted the above about the Front page.

Figured I would try to help others with comp skills in the same level as mine.

Only trouble is now I spend way too much time pounding on keys instead of rivets.

TSwezey said:
Vans Air Force Pilots 2 Turkey Buzzards 0

Ron, I think your plane is a little stronger! It looks like it even bent the spar.

I always worry about the carry-through center section when a hit occurs far out on the wing. A lot of lever there.....
DeltaRomeo said:
At the top left of every page in the forums is the breadcrumb:

Breadcrumb??? I'm still trying to figure out the little symbol above each post that looks like toast!
Something interesting to notice (especially for newbies trying to measure their rivets with micrometers and feelers :p ). I see not one failed rivet...maybe it's there but I see not even one in any of the pictures. All the failures I see are in shear on the aluminums skins. That should be a confidence builder right there at how strong and well designed these suckers really are.
Breadcrumbs and turkey buzzards, a VAF feast

I got this from googling "Breadcrumbs"

"Breadcrumbs" on websites, a form of navigation where the current location within the website is indicated by a list of pages above this page in the hierarchy, up to the main page. For example, if you were browsing the products at a department store, you might see the following hierarchy when you're on the Sneakers page:

Home > Products > Clothes > Shoes > Sneakers

Each of the categories above the current page is usually a link to the corresponding category page.

The term "breadcrumbs" is a reference to the Hansel and Gretel tale where they leave breadcrumbs as they wander the forest so they can find their way home. The metaphor is imperfect because the breadcrumbs do not represent the actual path the user took, but instead the optimal path from the home page to the current page in the hierarchy.

Do you put breadcrumbs on your turkey buzzard after you pluck it from your wing?
Last edited:
So confusing-------

I dont know what is worse, making up new words, I.E., "gigo", or the re-definition/perversion of real words, I.E. "spam" (a truly wonderful gastronomic delight) and "breadcrumb".

Cant you computer folks just speak English????

Better make that American, real English is so confusing----------

Merry Christmas,
You're right. It could have been worse

praterdj said:
That's a scary looking hole. I'm glad it didn't impact the canopy.

My thoughts exactly. That could have been an even uglier outcome.

Have you figured out who owns this RV-10 yet? Doug, do you know?
TSwezey said:
I got this from googling "Breadcrumbs"

The term "breadcrumbs" is a reference to the Hansel and Gretel tale where they leave breadcrumbs as they wander the forest ......

Look, I'm just an ignorant Aussie and really struggle with Yankspeak, but surely a bread crumb is a little bit of cookie.


I'd love to hear from the pilot on how much yaw that caused. I can't beleive how it bent that spar. That is a whole new wing replacement.
alpinelakespilot2000 said:
The last of the pictures is almost funny. One feather under the tip light cover. How did it get there?!

The feather(s) were likely caused by the explosive compression of the interior of the wing as the skin caved in. It appears that the landing light was blown to bits (outward) and is now laying in the bottom of the nav. light cavity. Apparently some feathers made the trip with the airflow.

Just more evidence of how violent this type of impact can be at the speeds RV's fly.

Glad to see that the airplane was landed safely.